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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 11 (04/03/23)

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30 minutes ago, hilts122 said:

Wow... Tucker Carlson has taught you well...lol!  Sorry but most normal people call people racist, when they are a racist!  Just because fox news tells you it deosn't matter anymore, doesn't make it so.  I love how the right wing media tells you to spew out ignorant, non-factual things with racial undertones and as soon as someone checks you on it, you try to turn it back on them and call them racist for noticing what your racist statement/attitude.  Funny!

You are a wise man! I've blocked him and the other idiot! Thanks for joining me in standing up to these pricksMorgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

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Vor 27 Minuten sagte SPYING 1:

FacebookTwitterAm Mittwoch hat der Republikaner aus Ohio, Jim Jordan, den Bezirksstaatsanwalt von Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, wegen krimineller...


Mein Gott. Dieser Rep-Wichser von Jordan hat doch keine Ahnung - vermutlich "gesponsert" von Noch-Milliardär Trump, kurz vor dessen Total-Insolvenz. Wer glaubt diesem Versager in allen Punkten, Klein Donald, noch ein Wort ? Das ist ein krimineller Lügner, der mit Geld dumme Menschen als Puppen tanzen lässt. Es gibt in USA offenbar noch genug IDIOTEN, welche dieses dumme Spiel mit machen.

Arme korrupte Trump-USA.


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21 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Reality and dystopia blur in the thriller "Abaddon": In 2025, Trump will become president again and form an alliance with Putin. Author Axel Vormbaumen tells what could happen if Trump returns to...

God forbid the triple fuck Donald as US leader leads America into the abyss. 😁


Another example of German news media propaganda and insanity. This is what you call real news reporting in Germany? No wonder the minds of the German people are so fucked up.

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21 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Purely Racist but even worse when an official elected by the people can be removed from serving by an opposing party it spells one thing: the loss of Democracy and the pending fertile ground for dictatorship....I'm sure Donnie is rubbing his hands with glee!

But you were all for Democrats expelling Republicans Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Lauren Boebert from the U.S. Congress. Sounds a lot like a hypocrite to me. I don't think the two in Tennessee should have been expelled, but they definitely deserved to be reprimanded. Members of the legislature cannot be allowed to lead a crowd of protesters onto the floor of the legislature and use a blow horn in the legislative chamber.

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7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Another example of German news media propaganda and insanity. This is what you call real news reporting in Germany? No wonder the minds of the German people are so fucked up.


Du bist ein Chaot. Deutsche Medien sind offen und neutral, diese sind NICHT im Arsch. Du bist offenbar mit Drogen versifft, oder was auch immer. Das einzige was im Arsch ist, das ist der Rest von Deinem Hirn - voll drin im Arsch von dem Verbrecher Trump, diese arme dumme Sau.


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Today's right wing has morphed into a weird snowflaky, hypocritcal, racist, angry, fragile embodiment of an oxymoron!  You all call Democrats Nazi's but all neo-Nazi's are rightwing (Unite The Right Rally) 🤔 and you can't give one factual example of Democrats displaying Nazi behavior.  You claim to be the party of Law and Order, yet you call for defunding the FBI and Justice department when they investigate the illegal activity of one of yours 🤔.  You claim the Democrats are weaponizing the federal government, then congressional republicans turn right around and use the federal government to go after a local prosecutor over a local matter (in which congress has no jurisdiction) during an ongoing criminal case.  Aren't you the party that tells Black people, "if you are innocent, then why worry about the police or being arrested"? 🤔 You call Democrats communist for wanting to support social programs to help everyday Americans (fact: there are more whites on sec.8 and EBT than anyone else, by far) while ignoring the republicans giving socialist support to large corporations that don't need it.  You run around screaming you are the right to life party but refuse to use commonsense to figure out a solution to the gun violence epidemic (arming teachers.... beyond moronic).  You say the Democrat run jurisdictions are run poorly, yet the facts show the red states are by far the most poorly run and violent.  The poorest states in the union are the reddest states.  The republican run states survive off of welfare from the blue states.  The red states take in more federal money than they contribute to the federal budget.  It's incredible how collectively naive republicans are.  The wealthy give money to politicians to do their bidding, keeping their taxes low and deregulate everything.  They also pay the rightwing media heads to stoke your little racist flame so they can keep getting rich while keeping you and your children dumb and preoccupied with your racial anger and hate.  Case in point, GW Bush and Chaney deregulated the banking system and it collapsed.  Obama came in and righted the ship.  In fact, the loans they gave to the big banks and industrial base in the US has all been paid back with interest.  He righted the ship and handed trump a booming economy.  trump came in, removed the guardrails and ran the dept through the ceiling.  Hell, I've had republicans try to argue that Biden is the one who did the PPP program when it was designed and rolled out by Jarid Kushner (How was this not a socialist program?).  Giving corporations tax brakes and federal research grants is socialist.  Supporting a conman who advocates taring up the Constitution to make himself president for life while cozying up to right wing racist groups like the proud boys and oath keeps... that is fascist.  Also, free speech.... In the minds of republicans, this only applies to them.  Any other American`s practicing their right to free speech, they want to shut down....ie Tennessee!  They also claim they want limited government, no over reach... yet, when trump was in office he tried to pressure the justice dept to go after Hilary Clinton.  The republican party is now the book banning, taking away female rights to her own body, banning Black American history because their kids are too snowflaky and fragile to learn true American history Party...  Oh... also, a bunch of morons, listened to a known conman, stormed the capitol building in an attempt to over through a presidential election certification and now run around screaming that the idiots who were prosecuted for it are political prisoners...LMAO!  So if BLM stormed the capitol and tried to over-through the government.. would you consider them patriots???  Oh yeah... when you all run around screaming that you're taking your country back... who are you taking it back from and who stole it 🤔?  If I were you, I would check the Forbes list before saying something so ignorant! 

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9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

But you were all for Democrats expelling Republicans Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Lauren Boebert from the U.S. Congress. Sounds a lot like a hypocrite to me. I don't think the two in Tennessee should have been expelled, but they definitely deserved to be reprimanded. Members of the legislature cannot be allowed to lead a crowd of protesters onto the floor of the legislature and use a blow horn in the legislative chamber.

Here we go again....  more republican nonsensical whataboutism...  MTGreene and Boebert were threatening other law makers and spreading lies.  Also, both republicans and democrats voting to remove them.  In Tennessee, they were protested to get the legislature to act responsible and hold hearings on gun control.  How on earth does your mind conclude that these 2 very different circumstances are equivalent???  Also, Marjorie and Lauren weren't expelled from congress, they were removed from their committee assignments!  How did you people get like this???  The conclusions you all come up with and how you process info then regurgitate it is absolutely scarry!

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

FacebookTwitterOn Wednesday, Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan slammed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for criminally...


This is hilarious... Instead of him doing his job, he is wasting tax dollars going after a local prosecutor in an attempt to look like he's tough.  Congress has no power in this situation.  He is gas lighting the maga crowd.  Sad how gullible you are!

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3 hours ago, hilts122 said:

Wow... Tucker Carlson has taught you well...lol!  Sorry but most normal people call people racist, when they are a racist!  Just because fox news tells you it deosn't matter anymore, doesn't make it so.  I love how the right wing media tells you to spew out ignorant, non-factual things with racial undertones and as soon as someone checks you on it, you try to turn it back on them and call them racist for noticing what your racist statement/attitude.  Funny!

Im Canadian jackass.  Never watch that loon Carlson.  So go fuck yourself and learn a little bit about the real world.

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9 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

Im Canadian jackass.  Never watch that loon Carlson.  So go fuck yourself and learn a little bit about the real world.


Dann lese nicht nur kanadischen Müll sondern informiere Dich umfassend - international. Quatsche nicht nur rechts-politisch-populistischen Unsinn hier. Frohe Ostern. 😁


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2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Dann lese nicht nur kanadischen Müll sondern informiere Dich umfassend - international. Quatsche nicht nur rechts-politisch-populistischen Unsinn hier. Frohe Ostern. 😁


You are a nutty as Carlson.  Never even been to the US yet worships Castro, Maduro and Merkle.  Fuck off.

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