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B4 - General Topic 2023 #23 (April)

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12 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

Will we have new/ancient girls or we'll have lots of empty rooms ?  Sera, Yana, Karina, Lavika, Kimberley, Brittney !  

For me they already have replacements ready, otherwise it is not explained all these departures in the same period. I wouldn't want the RLC people to clean up doing more damage than good. They still haven't been able to find a replacement for Katie&Adam's apartment and it's been almost a month now.

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il y a 1 minute, thinga69 a dit :

Non. Elle n'a tout simplement pas fait l'amour depuis Ant. Aussi, elle a fait beaucoup pendant son séjour, elle pourrait faire une pause.

Oui en dormant dehors presque tous les soirs et en nous filant son frere à la place , tu es gentil toi 

Tu crois qu'elle dormait sur un banc de la ville de Barcelone ???

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2 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

in other words her time was up, it happens after being there so long, apart from radi

With this reasoning they should send girls away even when they have their period. Everything is fine now but it seems a bit drastic to me...For me Lavika is leaving only because her contract with rlc in Barcelona has now expired.

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3 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

With this reasoning they should send girls away even when they have their period. Everything is fine now but it seems a bit drastic to me...For me Lavika is leaving only because her contract with rlc in Barcelona has now expired.

she has been there nearly a year, the other girls leaving have only been there a few months, a few months too long in most cases

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Sera, Yana, Karina, Lavika, Kimberley, Britney.
To be sincere I am sorry for Lavika (can't forget when, realising Ant was in her living room, she went and took what she wanted.
Also sorry for Britney, true she didn't do much but she had ways that I liked.
Just my opinion of course.
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1 minute ago, Slow said:
Sera, Yana, Karina, Lavika, Kimberley, Britney.
Um aufrichtig zu sein, es tut mir leid für Lavika (ich kann nicht vergessen, wann sie, als sie bemerkte, dass Ant in ihrem Wohnzimmer war, ging und sich nahm, was sie wollte.
Tut mir auch leid für Britney, stimmt, sie hat nicht viel getan, aber sie hatte Wege, die ich mochte.
Natürlich nur meine Meinung.

Vielleicht sind jetzt endlich alle " Raus mit den Faulpelzen "  Rufer zufrieden ! Es fehlen in dieser Reihe auch unbedingt die  zwei männlichen Fremdkörper. Doch Vorsicht : die Realität von RLC in den letzten 1,5 Jahren zeigt dass der Abwärtstrend was die " Qualität"  der Mädchen und auch Jungs betrifft, ungebremst weiter geht. Aber wie heißt es so schön: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.

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