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US Domestic Polititics (2023) # 12 (04/09/23)

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On 4/11/2023 at 2:30 PM, SPYING 1 said:

Barack Obama presided over one of the most corrupt administrations in American...

This is a must read article 👏 

Must read for those who do not check out facts before posting bullshit. As much as I dislike Obama and the Democrats, this is far right wing fake news.  Here is Scopes (and there are other news sources that refute that Obama actually got the funds.  Leonard D Caprio testified that an attempt was made to funnel the funds to the Obama campaign--not that it did happen.

These claims are factually erroneous and logically invalid, on these three grounds:



A number of right-leaning websites suggested that Obama "stole" the 2012 election by accepting illegal foreign campaign money.


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9 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

You may remember Rebeka Jones, who, during the pandemic, claimed that Florida Governor...

Most demon 😈 crats liberal socialist communists people are fucked up

She is as fucked up at Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mike Lindell, and some others.

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5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

That's just your opinion and hate. Wait until Fuck-Trump is shaved and in orange in prison - and this criminal faces further punishment. Then we'll talk more.

I will NOT visit criminal Trump in prison - you probably every day. 😁


That's all you got? More crazy ranting.  

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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



Amid more legal battles, Donald Trump is suing his former attorney. Former US President says Michael Cohen is said to be leaking confidential information and...


Trump's asshole can't get enough problems - would that idiot be honest. he would say "I'm an asshole, loser and give up". But this loser is too stupid for that. A pity. Fuck you Trump.


Maybe that's what you need to say about yourself.:tongue:

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3 hours ago, happyone said:

Food for thought--article written by a conservative -from this article:

They say that the presidency brings out a man’s true character. Those of us on the Right (myself included) convinced ourselves that the 2016 election was so critical that it didn’t really matter whether Trump had character or not (he did not and given that he was up against the Bush Dynasty and the Clinton Cabal, it did not matter then). 



“I just want to find 11,780 votes,” then-President Donald J. Trump urged while in a recorded phone conversation with the Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp, during the tense days of Trump’s bizarre...

The Tragedy—and Fall—of Donald Trump

Trump failed the test. Now, he’s being hoisted by his own petard. Whatever you may think of Donald Trump, the fact is that he is his own worst enemy and now, after years of avoiding consequences for his irresponsible actions and words, he is being held accountable at the worst possible moment; the time when the country needs a dynamic leader like him. 

Trump may yet still get the GOP nomination in 2024. But, because of his character flaws and his subpar record as president, he’ll lose to the Democrats. It’s baked into the political cake by this point.

And sadly for us that wanted Trump to become President again in 2024, he has because of his actions, his political future as President gone.

What was the name of the conservative? And if Donald Trump is such a sure win for Democrats in the general election, why are the news media and and Democrats exerting so much time and effort to knock Trump out of the presidential race? Seems to me they would be doing everything in their power to make sure he wins the Republican nomination.:huh:

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3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

No matter how poor Biden is performing, most will vote for him regardless just to keep Trump out.  

He lost the popular vote in 2020 by over 10M in 2024 he'll lose the popular vote by 30M or more.

But most people are not as Trump obsessed as you. They don't have the severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that you have.

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