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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 14 (04/13/23)

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11 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Rep. Jim Jordan have resolved their legal dispute.



No agreement. Bragg knew he had no chance of winning his appeal. That's why he withdrew it, not because he came to an agreement with Jordan. Bragg just didn't want to be humiliated by the Federal Appeals Court. 

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No agreement. Bragg knew he had no chance of winning his appeal. That's why he withdrew it, not because he came to an agreement with Jordan. Bragg just didn't want to be humiliated by the Federal Appeals Court. 

       That's exactly right Rr, even though it is obvious that some leftist naive or ignorant individual decided to respond with a laugh emoji. Of course such thought processes revealed is typical low I.Q. when it comes from those on the left nowadays, and actually has been for quite some time now. 

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12 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       That's exactly right Rr, even though it is obvious that some leftist naive or ignorant individual decided to respond with a laugh emoji. Of course such thought processes revealed is typical low I.Q. when it comes from those on the left nowadays, and actually has been for quite some time now. Also, if you hadn't noticed, a thread started by the obviously socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated kraut was created before the end of this thread, and the so called administrator of this website has allowed it to begin and continue. Think about that along with all of the b s. the country has been going through along with a brain deminished leftist pupput being installed as the so called country's leader rather than being elected by traditional elecction rules and regulations all after a contagious bug had been intentionally released from a communist controlled country that has been contrled by a communist so called government for more than 4 decades.


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14 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered the National Guard and California Highway Patrol to...

So what are the National Guard and Highway Patrol supposed to do????  Maybe shoot and kill the homeless druggies--that will eliminate some of the problem.😉

Guess we could put them all in internment camps--


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10 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:



A CNN host expressed skepticism that Biden can viably run for reelection when so many American citizen are skeptical of America's future on its current course.

CNN isn't always left like some in here indicated---they can also report the truth.

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6 minutes ago, happyone said:

So what are the National Guard and Highway Patrol supposed to do????  Maybe shoot and kill the homeless druggies--that will eliminate some of the problem.😉




Mein Gott, wie primitiv seid ihr Amerikaner in Gedanken und Herzen.  "Eliminieren", töten   .... Todesstrafe ..... und das will ein Land sein das in der Welt Führung übernehmen will und Weltpolizist spielt ???? ICH schäme mich. Anstatt primitiver Ami-Fraß ist mir Chinesische Küche ohnehin viel lieber ! Lernt schon einmal chinesisch, ami-Kauderwelsch ist doch ohnehin eine Katastrophe und hat mit Oxford-englisch nichts zu tun. 😁


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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


My God, how primitive you Americans are in your minds and hearts. "Eliminate", kill .... Capital punishment..... and that wants to be a country that wants to take leadership in the world and play world policeman ???? I am ashamed. Instead of primitive American food, I prefer Chinese cuisine anyway! Learn Chinese, ami gibberish is a disaster anyway and has nothing to do with Oxford English. 😁

I knew you would react this way as it seems that everything must be taken literally with you.  My post was sarcastic as it was followed by this emoji 😉

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