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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 14 (04/13/23)

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Angesichts der Kämpfe im Sudan entsenden die USA weitere Soldaten in die Region, um im Bedarfsfall ihre Botschaft in Khartum evakuieren zu können....


Ihre Botschaft schützen ????  Wer glaubt das ?  Kein Krieg seit 1945 ohne US-Beteiligung - und zu Hause in den USA brennt ihre Hütte. Lernen. lernen ...


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     I notice that a certain kraut propagandist who has obviously been brainwashed and indoctrinated by leftist socialist/marxist ideologies that are quite similar to communist ideologies is again posting mostly nothing but b.s. leftist propaganda. No wonder hitler along with his cronies were decisively defeated along with all of those who had become similarly brainwashed and indoctrinated to believe in the b.s. propaganda that was peddled by them at the time. Unfortunately, there were many innocent people of that country who were subjected to unnecessary hardships, many who even lost their lives, all because of propagandists from that country such as one nowadays who goes by Starlight28 on this website has been trying to do since he first registered on this website. If in fact he hasn't been, there would be no reason for him to continuously post unproven conjecture in a politIcal thread listed as U.S. politics, yet he has and has continued to, and all because he is nothing more than a disgruntled propagandist kraut who despises the fact that the U.S. is the country most responsible for the fickle minded krauts before and during WWII, getting overwhelmingly defeated. Just like the 1000 year reich b.s. was nothing more than kraut propaganda, so is most of what the kraut propagandist known as Starlight28 posts on this website as well. 

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