StarLight28 Posted April 29, 2023 Posted April 29, 2023 41 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Nein, das House verabschiedet seinen Gesetzentwurf, der Senat verabschiedet seinen Gesetzentwurf, die beiden Gremien kommen zusammen, um einen Kompromissentwurf vorzulegen, und dieser wird dann dem Präsidenten zur Unterschrift oder zum Veto vorgelegt. Der Präsident kann sich früher in den Prozess einmischen, wenn er mit den Führern des Repräsentantenhauses und des Senats verhandeln möchte, um einen Gesetzentwurf zu schreiben, dem alle zustimmen. Und jedes Mal, wenn die Schuldenobergrenze angehoben wird, ohne Ausgabenkürzungen für den nächsten Haushalt vorzunehmen, werden die Ausgaben nie gekürzt, weil niemand in Washington, DC etwas tut, es sei denn, er steht vor einer Krise. Biden weigert sich zu verhandeln, in der Hoffnung, dass seine loyalen Mainstream-Nachrichtenmedien die Republikaner in diesem „Huhn“-Spiel schlecht aussehen lassen werden. Alles, was Biden tut, ist politisch. Wenn Sie die Schuldenobergrenze jedes Jahr überschreiten, bedeutet eine Schuldenobergrenze nichts. Die Schuldenobergrenze sollte die Ausgaben kontrollieren, aber anstatt der Schuldenobergrenze zu erlauben, die Ausgaben zu kontrollieren, gibt Washington weiterhin zu viel aus und erhöht dann die Schuldenobergrenze, um die übermäßigen Ausgaben zu decken. Folglich wächst und wächst und wächst die Staatsverschuldung. Klugscheißer. Alles Theorie. Seit 20 Jahren steht diese USA vor dem finanziellen Abgrund und ist unfähig ihre US-internen sozialen und rassistischen Probleme zu lösen. SPYING 1 ist hier ein deutliches Zeichen für US-Hass und ohne Verstand für Menschlichkeit. Und so ein Land voller Hass ist heute noch wichtig ??? Fuck-USA. Der US-Raubtier-Kapitalismus hat versagt. Fakt ist, das China der USA inzwischen technologisch überlegen ist und US-Firmen gekauft hat. ICH finde das nicht gut, doch diese USA von 19. Jahrhundert schläft und denkt immer noch daran Probleme mit Waffen zu lösen. Mein Gott, wie dumm.
Ridgerunner Posted April 29, 2023 Posted April 29, 2023 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: smartass. All theory. For 20 years, this USA has been facing the financial abyss and is unable to solve its US internal social and racial problems. SPYING 1 is a clear sign of US hatred and no sense of humanity here. And such a country full of hate is still important today ??? Fuck USA. US predatory capitalism has failed. The fact is that China is now technologically superior to the USA and has bought US companies. I don't like it, but this 19th century USA is asleep and still thinking about solving gun problems. My god, how stupid. You just repeat the same garbage over and over. If I had my way we would let your fucking country and the EU deal with Putin by yourselves. Bring U.S. troops and military equipment home from the EU and put those troops on our southern border to secure our sovereignty. And it is the European socialist/Marxist economics and social policies that have crept into America that are causing most of our current problems. 2
Ridgerunner Posted April 29, 2023 Posted April 29, 2023 On 4/28/2023 at 12:43 AM, StarLight28 said: This was pure advertising trick to lure people (voters) down the wrong track : National sounds good. Like "America First". Germany and national even more after the shameful peace treaty of 1918/19 of Versailles. Socially , as a responsibility towards the weak sounds great after the world economic crisis and unemployment. Workers' Party , which is there for us "working class" - nothing better. In truth , this party and its leader was fascist , which shortly after taking power with the Enabling Act , dissolved parties and parliament and introduced one-party power with the leader at the top. All parties in the Reichstag that formed a coalition with Hitler , in particular the "right, conservative parties such as the center" with Mr. von Papen (after 1945 as the new CDU on the market!) agreed to the law - only the SPD as a "Social Democratic Party" Germany" voted unanimously against it. His speech by Otto Wels is historic:"Liberty and life can be taken from us, but not 'honor'! Nevertheless, this SPD was no longer able to prevent the disaster. During his reign, Trump has already ruled past Parliament with many emergency decrees, hasn't he? Reichstag session of March 23, 1933: Speech by Otto Wels - WWW.N-TV.DE Otto Wels was the member of the Reichstag who argued against the National Socialists' Enabling Act on March 23, 1933 and justified the rejection by the SPD. Sort of how Marxists today hide themselves behind party labels like Social Democrats. And actually Biden has violated more laws passed by Congress than Trump ever did. The president has no legal authority to forgive student loan debt, Biden is preventing border patrol agents and members of ICE from enforcing immigration law, the EPA and energy dept. are imposing regulations upon U.S. businesses and U.S. citizens that they have no legal authority to do, and there are numerous other violations of law by the Biden Administration. 2
SPYING 1 Posted April 29, 2023 Author Posted April 29, 2023 Soros-backed prosecutor Kim Gardner says 'I ain't leaving, I ain't... NYPOST.COM St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner was defiant Saturday even as a contempt of court...
SPYING 1 Posted April 29, 2023 Author Posted April 29, 2023 15 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Sort of how Marxists today hide themselves behind party labels like Social Democrats. And actually Biden has violated more laws passed by Congress than Trump ever did. The president has no legal authority to forgive student loan debt, Biden is preventing border patrol agents and members of ICE from enforcing immigration law, the EPA and energy dept. are imposing regulations upon U.S. businesses and U.S. citizens that they have no legal authority to do, and there are numerous other violations of law by the Biden Administration. Ridgerunner speaks the truth, his knowledge of our government is evident & the Nazi StarLight28 should pay attention 😉
SPYING 1 Posted April 29, 2023 Author Posted April 29, 2023 30 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: You just repeat the same garbage over and over. If I had my way we would let your fucking country and the EU deal with Putin by yourselves. Bring U.S. troops and military equipment home from the EU and put those troops on our southern border to secure our sovereignty. And it is the European socialist/Marxist economics and social policies that have crept into America that are causing most of our current problems. Nazi StarLight28 hates capitalism but no socialist communist regime can equal the freedom we Americans have
Ridgerunner Posted April 29, 2023 Posted April 29, 2023 On 4/26/2023 at 4:58 AM, SPYING 1 said: Video shows hundreds of military-age Chinese men headed towards US | Fox News Video WWW.FOXNEWS.COM founder Anthony Rubin discusses the Chinese migrants crossing the Darien... And the Chinese Communist government has been opening police stations in the U.S. while our ignorant corrupt leadership of the FBI and DOJ continue to spend time and taxpayer money investigating and harassing loyal, patriotic innocent American citizens.
Ridgerunner Posted April 29, 2023 Posted April 29, 2023 If Trump did the things that Biden has done as president he would have been impeached, removed from office, charged with numerous crimes, convicted and sent to prison.
Nicholas Posted April 30, 2023 Posted April 30, 2023 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: No, House passes its bill, the Senate passes its bill, the two bodies get together to come up with compromise bill, and then that is sent to President for signature or veto. The president can get involved in the process earlier if he wants to negotiate with leaders of House and Senate to write a bill that they all agree upon. And every time debt ceiling is raised without making spending cuts for next budget the spending cuts are never made because no one in Washington, D.C. does anything unless they face a crisis. Biden is refusing to negotiate in hopes that his loyal mainstream news media will make the Republicans look bad in this game of "chicken." Everything Biden does is political. If you exceed the debt ceiling every year then a debt ceiling means nothing. The debt ceiling was intended to control spending, but instead of allowing the debt ceiling to control spending Washington continues to overspend and then raise the debt ceiling to cover the excessive spending. Consequently the national debt grows and grows and grows. 👌
Nicholas Posted April 30, 2023 Posted April 30, 2023 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: No, House passes its bill, the Senate passes its bill, the two bodies get together to come up with compromise bill, and then that is sent to President for signature or veto. The president can get involved in the process earlier if he wants to negotiate with leaders of House and Senate to write a bill that they all agree upon. And every time debt ceiling is raised without making spending cuts for next budget the spending cuts are never made because no one in Washington, D.C. does anything unless they face a crisis. Biden is refusing to negotiate in hopes that his loyal mainstream news media will make the Republicans look bad in this game of "chicken." Everything Biden does is political. If you exceed the debt ceiling every year then a debt ceiling means nothing. The debt ceiling was intended to control spending, but instead of allowing the debt ceiling to control spending Washington continues to overspend and then raise the debt ceiling to cover the excessive spending. Consequently the national debt grows and grows and grows. 👌
Nicholas Posted April 30, 2023 Posted April 30, 2023 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: You just repeat the same garbage over and over. If I had my way we would let your fucking country and the EU deal with Putin by yourselves. Bring U.S. troops and military equipment home from the EU and put those troops on our southern border to secure our sovereignty. And it is the European socialist/Marxist economics and social policies that have crept into America that are causing most of our current problems. 👌
Nicholas Posted April 30, 2023 Posted April 30, 2023 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Sort of how Marxists today hide themselves behind party labels like Social Democrats. And actually Biden has violated more laws passed by Congress than Trump ever did. The president has no legal authority to forgive student loan debt, Biden is preventing border patrol agents and members of ICE from enforcing immigration law, the EPA and energy dept. are imposing regulations upon U.S. businesses and U.S. citizens that they have no legal authority to do, and there are numerous other violations of law by the Biden Administration. 👌
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