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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 16 (04/25/23)

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4 hours ago, hilts122 said:

Correction, non of the cities you speak of are "riddled" with crime.  NYC happens to ne at an all time low, despite the jim jordan clown show claiming it isn't.  Also, the reason why they measure crime by state is because to measure crimes per 100,000 people, the red states are generally made up of small and medium sized cities and communities and most large cities are in nothern and western states.  So when measuring crime state by state crimes per 100,000 people, the red states are way more violent per capita.  You can't get around it.  Facts are facts....  oh yeah, I forgot, you people believe in alternative facts...🤣🤣🤣🤯!!!

Your comments are laughable.  Anyone who believes our large cities are safer than small cities and rural areas is a complete fool. Only a totally indoctrinated idiot believes that.

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4 hours ago, hilts122 said:

🤣🤣🤣, social policies like the PPP program?  Exactly what policies did liberals come up with that are wrecking the economy, genious.  Is it Obama care?  The program that brought healthcare to millions who wouldn't have had it otherwise?  You do know without health insurance, people get sick more and end up in emergency rooms then can't pay the bill.  Guess who ends up subsidizing the hospitals when they rack up losses from unpayed bills?  Look, stock listening to fox news and read.  You chuckleheads get on here spewing the nonsense you got from tucker & hannity like it's gospel.  The whole while they are doing the bidding of the corporations that advertise on there shows.  Keeping you ignorant and angry so you'll keep tuning in for you dopamine fix!  If you want a debate on economics, lets do it!  You will be embarrassed!

You are the angry one . I have yet to meet a happy liberal progressive. I think they are born depressed and angry. You are a perfect example.

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5 hours ago, hilts122 said:

Explain socialism and marxism!  Fox news gave you that sound bite and you just regurgitate it like a ventriliquist dummy without even knowing what it means...🤣🤣🤣!  You people love to through around the word socialist yet trump and Kushner came up with and implimented the PPP program.  All of those repub politicians who received millions from that program (government hand out) still run around calling people socialist..🤣!  Once again, the oxymoron party, calls itself the christian right het is completely against taking care of the less fortunate... The most corrupt party ever calls itself christian...🤣🤣🤣!  Look at clarence thomas.... corruption!  Dude, please get yourself into therapy before you go shoot up a school.  Please!

I don't even own a gun, so how am I going to shoot up a school. Besides I'm not a trans who hates Christian schools so I have no reason to shoot up a school.. Clarence Thomas has more integrity in his little finger than a racist bigot like you has in his entire body. You are the fool who believes all the ignorant garbage you see on CNN, MSNBC, NPR and all the other so called mainstream media outlets. And Joe Biden is probably the most corrupt president in the history of America.

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