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B7 - General Topic 2023 #12 (April)

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This is what i found on replay. She was hiding inside the terrace screaming and Bogdan and Nelly came running into the kitchen and all went outside and she (Methuselah) ran away from them behind the terrace on the other side of the house and apparently jumped down on that side (I am not convinced she tried to commit sueside I think she just tried to get away from everybody - as she told Dylan a few days back - sometimes she need to get away from people because of anxiety attacks). Fior ran down the to the backyard and found her at the other side of the house.


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Finally,she's asleep....she seems really immature and highly impressionable,it's unfortunate what happened to her tonight,she's clearly not cut out for this sexual,mature environment,and Anthony toying with her is not helping,I hope she makes a decision regarding her stay here.

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4 minutes ago, Frankster said:

Looking at Antonys balcony at 39 seconds after midnight, you an see her legs dangelign in the right corner. Seems like she jumped and got stuck with her arm.

She climbed over and hung down the wall.
  when Fior came did she let go and fell down via the table.
She scraped her knees as she tried to pull herself up, hanging there.

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1 minute ago, Epikouros said:

Was her scream before or after she jumped?

Or maybe the scream was not hers, but from a girl who noticed her jump?

before, when she was sitting at the pool.

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