Ridgerunner Posted May 10, 2023 Posted May 10, 2023 16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: You do not get it. A lot was different 150 years ago. Abiding by the law is for "honest people". This "Trump mafia" was incapable of that. Friedrich did not leave "Germany" - at that time "Germany" did not yet exist, but many small states. Your ancestors were probably criminals who left Europe illegally. And now you're in the shit here in Stummenland. congratulations 😁 In the wild west state with the right of the thumb and murder like 150 years ago. Congratulations ??? Probably not - sad. You just proved you are a liar with your own words. First you said Trump's great-grandfather was arrested for illegally leaving the country and then you say he did not leave Germany.
StarLight28 Posted May 10, 2023 Author Posted May 10, 2023 Reden wir doch Wahrheit. USA ist rechtlose Cowboy-Republik - Verfassung von 1793 unwichtig. Dieser Dummen-Staat von England hat diese kleine USA wichtig gemacht. England ist ein Versager-Land. Krieg gegen Napoleon - Waterloo, Sieg der Engländer gegen Frankreich !??? Pure Lüge. "Ich wünsche es wäre Nacht oder Preußen kämen". General Blücher und Preußen kamen und haben den Engländern den Arsch gerettet. Dennoch Sieg der Engländer. 🤣🙁 Krieg ab 1914, ein Europäischer Krieg. Briten vor der Niederlage, erbitten Hilfe der USA - dadurch entsteht WK 1. Briten sind Versager. Krieg ab 1939, ein Europäischer Krieg, Briten vor der Niederlage in Dünkirchen, erbitten Hilfe durch USA mit US-Waffenlieferungen an England - dadurch entsteht WK 2. Unfähige Engländer haben den US-Cowboy-Staat "bedeutend" gemacht. Britannien ist ein Idioten-Staat. Nun Brexit zum Selbstmord und "Königskrönung" für € 200.000.000. USA = England-Folger ohne Verstand. Wer braucht England und eine USA von 1793 ???? Eine Lachnummer. Ami go home !!! 😁
Ridgerunner Posted May 10, 2023 Posted May 10, 2023 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said: Let's speak the truth. USA is lawless cowboy republic - constitution of 1793 unimportant. This stupid state of England made this little USA important. England is a failure country. War against Napoleon - Waterloo, English victory against France !??? pure lie. "I wish it were night or Prussia would come". General Blücher and Prussia came and saved the English's ass. Nevertheless victory of the English. 🤣 🙁 War from 1914, a European war. Britons about to lose, ask for help from the USA - this creates WW1. Britons are failures. War from 1939, a European war, British before the defeat in Dunkirk, request help from the USA with US arms deliveries to England - this creates WW2. Incompetent Englishmen have made the US cowboy state "significant". Britain is an idiot country. Now Brexit to suicide and "coronation of kings" for €200,000,000. USA = England followers with no brains. Who needs England and a USA from 1793 ???? A laughing stock. Amy go home !!! 😁 And the EU is a failure.
StarLight28 Posted May 10, 2023 Author Posted May 10, 2023 39 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Sie haben große Angst vor der Zunahme von Gewaltverbrechen, da die Staatsanwälte der liberalen progressiven Sozialisten/Marxistendemokraten gewalttätige Wiederholungstäter nicht strafrechtlich verfolgen und inhaftieren. Rede von einem US-Dummkopf !!!
StarLight28 Posted May 10, 2023 Author Posted May 10, 2023 31 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Meine Vorfahren waren ehrlicher und gesetzestreuer, als ein wertloser Politiker, wie man es sich jemals erhoffen könnte. Das Wort Politiker ist nur ein anderer Name für Lügner und Propagandist. Joe Biden ist ein perfektes Beispiel dafür. Träume weiter. Deine Familie war natürlich toll - oder doch nur Abenteuerer mit Lügen ?? Was hat Biden mit Deiner schwarzen miesen Einwanderer-Geschichte zu tun ??? Dein Mob und Du waren nie Politiker ? Warum ?? Ihr wart zu dumm dazu. Purer Neid von Dummen.
StarLight28 Posted May 10, 2023 Author Posted May 10, 2023 17 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Sie haben gerade mit Ihren eigenen Worten bewiesen, dass Sie ein Lügner sind. Zuerst sagten Sie, Trumps Urgroßvater sei wegen illegaler Ausreise verhaftet worden, und dann sagen Sie, er habe Deutschland nicht verlassen. Lese richtig. Trump sein Urgroßvater hat "Deutschland" ohne Genehmigung Richtung USA verlassen. Er hat dort zunächst Gewinne gemacht und wurde dann Pleite. Ohne Geld kehrte er nach "Deutschland" zurück, heiratete eine deutsche Frau wurde aber aus Deutschland ausgewiesen, da er Jahre zuvor Deutschland ohne Genehmigung verlassen hatte. Das war damals krimineller Akt.
StarLight28 Posted May 10, 2023 Author Posted May 10, 2023 19 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Und die EU ist ein Misserfolg. Vielleicht hast Du recht - ein System mit "Einstimmigkeit" kann nicht funktionieren. Diese Idioten von Polen haben das System erpresst. EU ohne diese Polen wäre viel besser. Der Stalin-Ribbentrop-Vertrag war nicht ganz falsch, doch dieser Vollidiot von österreichischem Hitler musste ja Russland angreifen, obwohl Engländer bei Dünkirchen so gut wie tot waren. Faschist Trump ist der gleiche Idiot wie Hitler.😁
StarLight28 Posted May 10, 2023 Author Posted May 10, 2023 USA: Supreme Court könnte Sturmgewehre für alle erlauben | STERN.de WWW.STERN.DE Die AR-15, ein halbautomatisches Sturmgewehr, hat schon fast Kultstatus in den USA – im negativen Sinn. Der Supreme Court könnte diese Waffe nun für alle Erwachsenen erlauben. Wie dumm kann diese dumme "US-Wichser-Republik" nur sein ??? Wer braucht solche Idioten in der Welt ?? Ami go home. Chinesisch essen ist schon lange besser als primitiver "Ami-Fraß". 😁 Gleich nach Briten-Müll.
StarLight28 Posted May 10, 2023 Author Posted May 10, 2023 14-Jährige spielte Verstecken: Mädchen in den USA von Nachbarn angeschossen WWW.TAGESSPIEGEL.DE Ein Mann in Texas griff wegen eines „Schattens vor seinem Haus“ zur Waffe. Die Jugendliche wurde lebensgefährlich verletzt. USA, doch nur ein primitiver Staat der dritten Welt ??????
Nicholas Posted May 10, 2023 Posted May 10, 2023 21 hours ago, happyone said: In an official White House statement denying E. Jean Carroll's claim that Donald Trump raped her, the president says "I've never met this person in my life." Here's a photo of them together. So where is a photo of them actually together since the photo shown does not actually show Trumps face ? I think such a photo could actually be nothing more than leftist propaganda and are actually surprised somewhat that you would post such a photo and actually believe it to be the man himself from a photo that shows the back of a mans head and not his face other than what supposed claims of leftist dialogue that had apparently been made in association with the photo. Have you located any photo that might actually show the mans face himself that could actually dispute his claims of not knowing who the woman was or is and perhaps explain otherwise, me thinks not since you decided to post the one you did and allude to such an insinuation. I'm becoming more and more surprised with you h.o. since that is actually what those who believe more in leftist ideologies do much more often than not.
Ridgerunner Posted May 10, 2023 Posted May 10, 2023 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: keep dreaming Your family was of course great - or just adventurers with lies ?? What does Biden have to do with your lousy black immigrant story??? Your mob and you were never politicians? Why ?? You were too stupid for that. Pure envy of fools. Where did I say Biden had anything to do with Black immigrant story? You become a bit more insane everyday.
Ridgerunner Posted May 10, 2023 Posted May 10, 2023 18 minutes ago, Nicholas said: So where is a photo of them actually together since the photo shown does not actually show Trumps face ? I think such a photo could actually be nothing more than leftist propaganda and are actually surprised somewhat that you would post such a photo and actually believe it to be the man himself other than what supposed claims of leftist dialogue that had apparently been made in association with the photo. Have you located any photo that might actually show the mans face himself that could actually dispute his claims of not knowing who the woman was or is and perhaps explain otherwise, me thinks not since you decided to post the one you did and allude to such an insinuation. I'm becoming more and more surprised with you h.o. Plus, everyone was dressed very formally so the photo was probably taken at some big social gathering in New York City in the 1990s and both Carroll and Trump were at the event. Trump probably doesn't even recall having met her or didn't even know her name. I used to attend baseball card shows where you could have your photo taken with a baseball star. I wonder how many of those baseball players would remember the people they took photos with? Trump was a media celebrity who casually met thousands of people at thousands of social gatherings. I think Trump was purely advised by his attorney. Rather than saying 'he had never met Carroll', he should have said' he doesn't remember ever meeting her.'
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