corvette08 Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 14 minutes ago, FrankZabba said: isn't there enough ari's already No! 1
winnlove Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 il y a 7 minutes, FrankZabba a dit : OK, alors vous aimez toutes les salopes alors Non.seulement voir de belles choses comme tout le monde!
FrankZabba Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 1 minute ago, winnlove said: No.only to see beautiful things like everyone else! nough said
FrankZabba Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 3 minutes ago, winnlove said: No.only to see beautiful things like everyone else! the old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is never more true. you think ari is beautiful and to me she is average at best.
Gerald Knauft Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 21 minutes ago, winnlove said: Nadia ist eine sehr lustige junge Frau. Es ist eine Schande, dass sie für den Rest ihres Lebens schüchtern sein muss! Was ist los mit dir, Ari!! Sie muß nicht für alle Ewigkeit schüchtern bleiben. Ich glaube daß ihr Problem in ihrer Erziehung liegt. Sie ist es anscheinend nicht gewöhnt ihre Sexualität frei und ohne Bedenken zu zeigen. Und dann gilt anscheinend noch etwas : Je intelligenter die Frauen sind desto zurückhaltender und oft auch verklemmter sind sie. Ari ist schon eine gute Lehrmeisterin für Nadia aber alles braucht seine Zeit. Ob die ihr von RLC und den Abonnenten gegeben wird ist fraglich.
Epikouros Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 il y a 34 minutes, FrankZabba a dit : ok, so you like all the slutty ones then ok, so you like all the nuns then 😉 Please stop referring to people as sluts, especially when you're a voyeur on a voyeur forum, talking about girls on a voyeur site... Not that there's anything wrong with being a voyeur (we all are), but you / we are no 'better' as 'voyeurs' than they are as 'sluts'. There's nothing wrong with either in my opinion, but viewing so-called sluts as worse than yourself (a voyeur), while both 'sluts' & voyeurs are kind of perverts to non-sluts & non-voyeurs, is hypocritical to say the least. I'm sure some 'slutty' people regard voyeurs as more perverted than themselves too, it works both ways of course. Some people like sex with lots of different partners. Some people like to secretly peek at others having sex, masturbating, undressing, showering, etc... Both are on the same level basically. I actually like Ari a lot. She also seems to get along with all kinds of people: both Gloria/Ashley types and more demure types like Nadia. I just wish her boobs would be a little perkier. Not bigger per se, just perkier. They would fit better with her youthful & smiling face. 2 2
winnlove Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 Toujours souriante, avenante et très dévouée pour le plaisir des autres! , elle apprécie beaucoup les autres filles de B1, B4, et elle est appréciée aussi, alors pourquoi la déniaiser par rapport à ses seins! Elle est une jolie fille. C’est elle qui a accueilli Nadia...
FrankZabba Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 4 minutes ago, Epikouros said: ok, so you like all the nuns then 😉 Please stop referring to people as sluts, especially when you're a voyeur on a voyeur forum, talking about girls on a voyeur site... Not that there's anything wrong with being a voyeur (we all are), but you / we are no 'better' as 'voyeurs' than they are as 'sluts'. There's nothing wrong with either in my opinion, but viewing so-called sluts as worse than yourself (a voyeur), while both 'sluts' & voyeurs are kind of perverts to non-sluts & non-voyeurs, is hypocritical to say the least. I'm sure some 'slutty' people regard voyeurs as more perverted than themselves too, it works both ways of course. Some people like sex with lots of different partners. Some people like to peek at others having sex, undressing, showering, etc... Both are on the same level basically. I actually like Ari a lot. She also seems to get along with all kinds of people: both Gloria/Ashley types and more demure types like Nadia. I just wish her boobs would be little perkier. Not bigger per se, just perkier. They would fit better with her youthful & smiling face. i like a normal girl, and girls like ari, ashley, sambuka, gloria, wendy, azura, tani, and aziza are too slutty for my taste. plus, i don't know if you've noticed but they all have one thing in common. would you like to guess what that is? also for the record, i'm not a subscriber anymore just so you know. i agree there is nothing wrong with either and therefore they can call me an asshole if that makes them happy. as for ari, i didn't watch her much when i had my last sub simply because she didn't do it for me. it's good that she can get along with all types, that's what rlc needs more of but only if they don't fall into the bs that happened in b2 where her and ashley and drug head dylan had a thing in the living room with others sleeping around them. i don't think that is cool and don't want no part of that. as for ari's boobs, i like all women's boobs, droopy ones, pointy ones, fat ones, skinny ones, i just like boobs so i saw no problem with her boobs, she just didn't do it for me. it's good that there are people like yourself that like girls like her and i don't have a problem with that. i just posted what i thought about her, right or wrong as it may be. 1
MoritzMax Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 6 minutes ago, FrankZabba said: Ich mag ein normales Mädchen, und Mädchen wie Ari, Ashley, Sambuka, Gloria, Wendy, Azura, Tani und Aziza sind für meinen Geschmack zu versaut. Außerdem weiß ich nicht, ob Sie es bemerkt haben, aber eines haben sie alle gemeinsam. Möchten Sie erraten, was das ist? Übrigens, ich bin kein Abonnent mehr, nur damit Sie es wissen. Ich stimme zu, dass an beidem nichts auszusetzen ist und dass sie mich deshalb ein Arschloch nennen können, wenn ihnen das gefällt. Was Ari betrifft, habe ich bei meinem letzten Sub nicht viel auf sie geachtet, einfach weil sie es nicht für mich getan hat. Es ist gut, dass sie mit allen Typen auskommt, davon braucht RLC mehr, aber nur, wenn sie nicht in die Blödsinn geraten, die in B2 passiert ist, wo sie und Ashley und der Drogenboss Dylan ein Ding im Wohnzimmer hatten, während andere schliefen um sie herum. Ich finde das nicht cool und möchte nichts damit zu tun haben. Was Aris Brüste betrifft, ich mag alle Frauenbrüste, schlaffe, spitze, fette, dünne, ich mag einfach Brüste, also sah ich kein Problem mit ihren Brüsten, sie hat es einfach nicht für mich getan. Es ist gut, dass es Leute wie dich gibt, die Mädchen wie sie mögen, und damit habe ich kein Problem. Ich habe gerade gepostet, was ich über sie dachte, egal wie richtig oder falsch es auch sein mag. Sie sollten nicht RLC schauen. Liebe Mädchen findet man unter Umständen in einer katholischen Mädchschule. Nein, auch diese Mädchen erfreuen sich ihrer feuchten Träume. Böse Mädchen kommen weiter, lebe Merdchen an den Kochherd 😎
FrankZabba Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 6 minutes ago, moritzmax said: You shouldn't be watching RLC. You might find nice girls in a Catholic girls' school. No, these girls enjoy their wet dreams too. Bad girls get ahead, live Merdchen at the stove 😎 i'm not watching rlc so what's your point? there are nice girls everywhere so no one has to look in the gutter or strip clubs. did you mean madchen? anyway it doesn't matter. bad girls give head and guess what, so do nice girls but they know how to act properly as well.
Epikouros Posted May 21, 2023 Posted May 21, 2023 il y a une heure, winnlove a dit : Toujours souriante, avenante et très dévouée pour le plaisir des autres! , elle apprécie beaucoup les autres filles de B1, B4, et elle est appréciée aussi, alors pourquoi la déniaiser par rapport à ses seins! Elle est une jolie fille. C’est elle qui a accueilli Nadia... I completely agree. I just explained why I like Ari a lot, but also why she's not my top number one. That's not in any way putting her down, just my personal, and mostly positive, appreciation of her. I didn't even say I didn't like her boobs, just that there are features of her that I like a lot more, and that, with perky boobs, she would have been close to perfect (for me). My favorite at the moment is still Shantal though, despite being an exasperatingly frustrating tease, but with super nice perky boobs and amazing figure & face & moves & panty/bralessness in general. She just needs to do away with covering herself with a blanket whenever she's exposed for longer than a few sec... I'm even starting to watch her a bit less because of that. Hopefully, she'll 'unlearn' those tricks... But I digress. I really like perky boobs, and when I saw Ari for the first time, I assumed she would have nice perky titties befitting her sparkly & youthful face & personality. Alas, this turned out not to be the case (I probably guessed her younger than she is because of her young-ish sexy face), but had it been, Ari would have been my favourite instead of Shantal for sure. She is indeed enormously friendly & sociable with just about everyone, and apparently full of fun & crazy antics now & then, which I also like. Still one exception (even surpassing Shantal): I like nudity by (pretty) guest girls even more... Maybe because there's that "might not get a second chance" feeling... Like for example friends or couchsurfers at Masha's, Don Juan's conquests at Carla & Yanai's (the only reason I watch these apts), etc. But "guest girl ##" is hard to put in a list... 😉 And I digress again... 🙂 Anyway, I suppose everyone has a different favourite, for different reasons. And Ari certainly ranks among the top of the current tenants for me. Not putting her down in the slightest. Maybe I shouldn't have imagined her boobs - or guessed her age - before I saw them, lol. By the way: anyone an idea of how old Ari is? When I first saw her (dressed), I was thinking 19 to 21. After seeing her naked, probably rather around 24-25?... So maybe she's 22/23? 😉 1
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