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sans faire mon philosophe de comptoir, les homme on beaucoup plus de mal à bander dur, parce que la nudité simple, omniprésente aujourd'hui ne leur suffit plus!!! imaginez au moyen âge, ou la simple vue d'un avant bras faisait frémir!!! maintenant, on a tellement de porno autour de soi, que l'on doit rechercher de l'excitation plus loin!! perversion, transgression des interdits, recherche de la salope ou de la chienne!! cela peut-être sympa, mais la "femme" est de plus en plus un objet sans aucun respect puisque c'est une chienne!!! violence et hardcrad sont au programme pour exciter les mecs dans l'avenir...et cela peut être préoccupant!!!

Perhaps.  But during the Middle Ages, men and women had sex in the same room with their kids, grandma and grandpa, and some goats. Not to be confused with the Victorian era.  That said, however, in terms of women being treated as mere sex objects as a result of there being pervasive nudity available, please note that, where women are most likely to be treated as objects, they often aren't allowed to show as much as their face.  But also note that that is part of the sexual lure -- to be able to see that which is hidden.  Nobody gets an erection at the nudist colony picnic.


Peut-être . Mais pendant le Moyen Age , les hommes et les femmes ont des rapports sexuels dans la même pièce avec leur enfants , grand-mère et grand-père , et quelques chèvres . À ne pas confondre avec l'ère victorienne. Cela dit, toutefois , en termes de femmes traitées comme de simples objets sexuels à la suite de l'existence d' nudité omniprésente disponible , s'il vous plaît noter que, lorsque les femmes sont plus susceptibles d'être traités comme des objets , souvent, ils ne sont pas autorisés à montrer autant comme leur visage. Mais notons aussi que cela fait partie de l'attrait sexuel - pour être en mesure de voir ce qui est caché . Aucun homme a un érection à la colonie nudiste pique-nique .

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Nobody gets an erection at the nudist colony picnic.

That's because the majority of the people that go to nudist colonies are ugly as all fuck. If you had hot girls walking around naked, it'd be a completely different story.

And for fuck sakes people, why must you re-quote the entire fucking conversation? So fucking dumb.

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Nobody gets an erection at the nudist colony picnic.

That's because the majority of the people that go to nudist colonies are ugly as all fuck. If you had hot girls walking around naked, it'd be a completely different story.

And for fuck sakes people, why must you re-quote the entire fucking conversation? So fucking dumb.

A man was sunbathing in the buff at the beach. For the sake of civility, and to keep it from getting sunburned, he had a hat over his private parts.

A woman walks past and says, snickering, "If you were a gentleman you'd lift your hat."

He raised an eyebrow and replied, "If you weren't so ugly it would lift itself".

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sans faire mon philosophe de comptoir, ...

        ...cela peut être préoccupant!!!

Perhaps.  But during the Middle Ages, men and women had sex in the same room with their kids, grandma and grandpa, and some goats. Not to be confused with the Victorian era.  That said, however, in terms of women being treated as mere sex objects as a result of there being pervasive nudity available, please note that, where women are most likely to be treated as objects, they often aren't allowed to show as much as their face.  But also note that that is part of the sexual lure -- to be able to see that which is hidden.  Nobody gets an erection at the nudist colony picnic.

Should be asked to someone's Arabic, if the sight of a niqab or a burka engenders the desire of trapped woman behind or slightest erection...

Isn't this religious custom dating from Middle-ages too ? I ask the question but don't feel obligated to answer.

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Guest bobbyjoe

anybody have lagging problem with the camera in kitchen?

the streaming is slow in this room,rlc have not change this camera,it's similar when isabelle was here

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Guest bobbyjoe

ok,thanks,it's for this reason j'm not interesting for renew my suscription for the moment,too many lagging in this appartment.

j prefer waiting the next couple in appartment of katya/ruslan for maybe renew

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