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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 23 (06/14/23)

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7 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Nearly 300 people are awaiting execution in Florida. 38 years after his conviction, Duane Owen († 62) was lethal injection...


Does Florida still have the death penalty? Not a good prospect for Trump.   😁


Florida state laws do not apply to federal prosecutions.

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21 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Another lie by you. Trump wanted to remove all our military equipment from Afghanistan. It was Gen. Miley who wanted to leave the equipment there. Joe Biden agreed with Miley. And if anyone is guilty of treason, it is Joe Biden for selling out America to China for the personal gain of himself and his family.


Das ist keine Antwort auf mein Statement. Du kommst als Ablenkung immer mit anderem Quatsch, der unwichtig ist. Fakt ist, das Trump mit den Taliban einen Vertrag zum Abzug der USA aus Afghanistan ausgehandelt hat. Dieser Vertrag war offensichtlich minderwertig - wie alles was Trump tut - und je im Leben getan hat.  Minderwertig, wie er selbst.     Ohne genaue Durchführungsbestimmungen ausarbeiten zu lassen  -  sein minderwertiges Golf spielen war ihm immer wichtiger, dem "Rep-Hobby-Präsidenten". Und dann sind immer andere Schuld, wie immer.    Und DUbist "Treu-doofer"-Trump-Folger  -  schäme Dich !!!


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


This is not an answer to my statement. You always come up with other nonsense that doesn't matter as a distraction. The fact is that Trump has negotiated a deal with the Taliban to withdraw the United States from Afghanistan. This treaty was obviously substandard - like everything Trump does - and has ever done in life. Inferior, like himself. Without having detailed implementation regulations worked out - his inferior golfing was always more important to him, the "Rep Hobby President". And then it's always someone else's fault, as always. And you are a "loyal stupid" Trump follower - shame on you !!!


It definitely was an answer to your statement. Sorry that you cannot handle me pointing out your lies.

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17 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Florida state laws do not apply to federal prosecutions.


Gut dann lass ihn überleben, im dunkelsten Gefängnis der USA mit Ratten seinesgleichen als "Mit-Häftlinge"  -  ohne 5-Sterne-Menue von Hilton nebenan.  😁


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


Well then let him survive in the darkest prison in the USA with rats like him as "fellow prisoners" - without a 5-star menu from Hilton next door.  😁


Sounds like a fair punishment for "Judas Joe" Biden.:biggrin:

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1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said:

It definitely was an answer to your statement. Sorry that you cannot handle me pointing out your lies.


Dieser "Non-Politiker" Winzling von Trump ist doch der größte Lügner der USA, jeden Tag neu, und neu.   Und DU bist der offiziellen Folger von dem US-Lügner.  Werde klug und fange an selbst zu denken, von dem Trump-Gestank muß Dir doch schon lange total übel sein  !!


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7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Dieser "Non-Politiker" Winzling von Trump ist doch der größte Lügner der USA, jeden Tag neu, und neu.   Und DU bist der offiziellen Folger von dem US-Lügner.  Werde klug und fange an selbst zu denken, von dem Trump-Gestank muß Dir doch schon lange total übel sein  !!



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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Fast 300 Menschen warten in Florida auf ihre Hinrichtung. 38 Jahre nach seiner Verurteilung wurde nun Duane Owen (†62) per Giftspritze...


In Florida gibt es noch Todesstrafe  ??       Keine guten Aussichten für Trump.   😁


He should've have died in prison from aids


Injected 💉 





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3 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

He should've have died in prison from aids


Injected 💉 






Warum bist DU so hetzend eklig.       Es reicht doch wenn DU als Anal-Ficker mit AIDS infiziert bist


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18 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Why are YOU so rushingly disgusting.      It's enough if YOU are infected with AIDS as an anal fucker


Don't think so. If he was an anal fucker Joe Biden would have invited him to the White House for the "Pride" celebration. Did "Judas Joe" send you an invitation?:tongue:

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