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22 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

Former President Donald Trump is hoping for a new judge to preside over his indictment...




Es gibt freie Wahl vom Arzt, aber nicht freie Wahl vom Richter. Auch mit Geld nicht zu kaufen, in einem freien Rechtsstaat. Erst jede Menge Unsinn machen - und dann weinen. Typischer Fall von missglückter Erziehung !!!


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Vor 11 Stunden sagte Pulo Filipe:

Eine nicht identifizierte Frau in North Carolina wird nicht angeklagt, nachdem sie einen Mann tödlich erschossen hat...




Der wilde Westen lebt weiter in den USA. Jeder kann jeden erschießen.


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7 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which...



As long as Liberal Demoncrats are alive, our once great country, now a cesspool, will be fucked until we can get rid of them all. We should start at the top in the White House and eliminate the Bidumb crime family.

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On 8/5/2023 at 11:27 PM, StnCld316 said:

His rule will be coming to an end soon. Even his own wife couldn't stand his arrogance so she left him and going to start divorce proceedings. He's now going to find out just how expensive married life can be the hard way.  The Liberal Party will be soon be seeking a new leader of the party. 

Even if Trudeau is voted out of office nothing will change in government policies. Canadians gave up their freedoms and rights many years ago. 

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On 8/7/2023 at 2:35 AM, pulo filipe said:

A suspected shoplifter beaten by two 7-Eleven clerks in a viral video allegedly stole from the...

This one got the stick on the back 


Suspected shoplifter ?????????????????  There's fucking video of the asshole filling a garbage can with products from the store and him telling store employees he would kill them if they tried to stop him.

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On 8/6/2023 at 3:30 AM, esanders9863 said:

Wow I have to tell you after reading the most recent indictment against Donald Trump, it was amazing that it specifically did not indict Donald Trump for freedom of his expression, and also not to indict him for his right of freedom of expression to lie, so I really hope people will stop the untrue statements that Donald Trump is being indicted for his freedom of expression


Sorry to burst your bubble, but Trump is being indicted for the speech he made on the day of the riot, so he is being indicted for exercising his right of free speech. He is also being indicted because Jack Smith is charging that Trump did not believe he lost the election and thus is guilty of promoting a lie to overturn the election. Jack Smith is a mind reader? The charges are laughable, but now Trump will have an opportunity to show all the evidence of voter fraud that took place in the election as a way of proving that he sincerely believed the election was stolen.

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