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I know there is a language barrier, and I know that Lucas is a bit slow upstairs, but man she seems damn ornery with him.  What is your take on that? She seems to me to be a bit of a beeoch.....

Comme il n'a visiblement pas la lumière à tous les étages, sans doute est-elle lassée de trainer ce boulet. Inutile cependant de commencer à fabuler sur les raisons qui ont amené Lucas dans cet état, nous ne le saurons jamais et c'est sans importance. C'est un fait, acceptons le sans plus.

Plaignons plutôt Véronica pour cette triste et pénible vie...


As he clearly has no light at all floors in his head, no doubt is she tired being stuck with this boulet. Useless however starting to fabricate on the reasons that led Lucas in this frame of mind, we will never know and it is unimportant. It is a fact, accept it without more.

Rather complain Veronica for this painful life, so sad...  :(

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As he clearly has no light at all floors in his head, no doubt is she tired being stuck with this boulet. Useless however starting to fabricate on the reasons that led Lucas in this frame of mind, we will never know and it is unimportant. It is a fact, accept it without more.

Rather complain Veronica for this painful life, so sad...  :(

You want people to feel sorry for a girl that's in a relationship that she can leave at any point in her life? I'm sorry but I don't think so.

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As he clearly has no light at all floors in his head, no doubt is she tired being stuck with this boulet. Useless however starting to fabricate on the reasons that led Lucas in this frame of mind, we will never know and it is unimportant. It is a fact, accept it without more.

Rather complain Veronica for this painful life, so sad...  :(

You want people to feel sorry for a girl that's in a relationship that she can leave at any point in her life? I'm sorry but I don't think so.

What do you know about this relationship and how can you assert that she may discontinue this relationship at any time ? You seem filled with certainties...  "Men of all ages have lived assumptions, the ignorant accepts them as certainties" (Gustave Lebon, doctor psychologist and sociologist)

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You're absolutely right. Guess it would be better to assume that she CAN'T leave, because that makes even more sense.

But yeah, as a adult, ANYONE has the power to walk out of a relationship. If you stay, you stay because you want to.

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