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B4 - General Topic 2023 #58 (November)

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8 hours ago, Noldus said:

1555 Lali is back- crying


8 hours ago, Noldus said:

She was home 1542 (with beers and a champagne bottle - crying

She went downstairs to the bottom of the stairs hiding until Karma found her and they went up to the restroom at the LR. Sara went down to her and comfort her 


5 hours ago, Noldus said:

Dear Lali, I deeply regret your loss
Be strong ❤️

OK To inform everyone from a reliable source---Lali's boyfriend, who visited her a few days ago, was killed in the war.

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3 hours ago, Maxbell said:

I think he has ADHD. He can not stop moving, fidgeting, goes in a one direction stops turn around comes back, …that might be why he is so grabby with the girls it’s a compulsion.  His eyes  are always darting around….no focus etc, like a humming bird, it’s exhausting watching him.

if he has ADHD, he probably had difficulty in school. I imagine, Ukraine schools might be a  bit behind times and it wasn’t treated. Could have caused social issues and his socially stunted development.


What, you mean this one lol...ADHD...so ure a doctor now and judging his upbringing in school in the same sentence. Aren't these chat forums for you to just talk about events in the apartments and not participants private lives which is nobodies business. 

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