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B4 - General Topic 2023 #61 (November)

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I agree , wanted to mention earlier but I am observing occasionally from a mobile today and couldn’t make it clear , glad you mention a thought already 😊

Wow! I managed to get ahead of you!

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6 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

Has he worn that before?? I need an explanation. 

Neytiti looks kinda good except for that tangle of rope…seems like a fire hazard if the have a bbq

They should be extensions; at least I hope so!

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1 hour ago, Elcondor said:

He is pitiful. I would love to know how old he is. 

I really hate to see men with no self respect. He thinks by running after girls and invading their space will lead them to his bed. Bu what he forgets is either women will take advantage of that and just use you or you will be anooying and no one will want to be with you. And I think right now Cecilia is just using him. He is too naive. I don't want to say too you since I don't know his age.

I see now he's dressed as a cop...and he actaully looks like he'll be one of those cops that abuse  their power to get women! fuckin creep

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41 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:


Wenn RLC nicht endlich eine Möglichkeit findet diesen Typen unauffällig vom Schirm zu nehmen macht es sich als Gesamtorganisation absolut lächerlich. Ich glaube nicht daß sich die Eigentümer-und Führungsetage   leisten kann  diese Slapsticknummer mit diesem Kerl noch lange zu dulden ohne Abonnenten  zu vergraulen.

He provides comic relief.

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