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B7 - General Topic 2023 #32 (November / December)

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2 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

With every BF she had a "fuck it" moment?

No.,we don't know what her life was like before RLC...i'm just sayin,Marat cheating on her with a hooker is probably what made her gave up on relationships and said "fuck it"

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1 hour ago, cupid30 said:

No.,we don't know what her life was like before RLC...i'm just sayin,Marat cheating on her with a hooker is probably what made her gave up on relationships and said "fuck it"

Ulyana before joining , she was not an adult . She was 18 , maybe hardly 19 when she joined , so , too young . What we can assume ? That the girl KNEW SO VERY MUCH about sex and at that age , I don’t think you learn it if you are changing partners during school times , therefore , Marat must have been a very long and since early childhood relationship . She was for sure ALWAYS close with Olivia and I believe in daily both contact and meeting face to face like we got to know them when they joined . The RLC experience simply helped Ulyana financially and to understand herself that she’s a woman that MEN will bow down to her “ walking an aisle “‘😂, then modeling came , RLC always there to provide , change of life and the risk in Spain . Olivias absence has made her not be so sure of her choices . The guys she seems choosing kind of being the ones controlling and have the general command and Ulyana simply gives them what they want .. 

She needs to find a guy and LOVE HIM to the moon but with the cameras around , WE ALL KNOW that this isn’t happening , EXCEPT … if this guy is someone like Thor .. Thor and Holly are the ONLY REAL INCREDIBLE and totally out of nowhere ULTIMATE LOVE STORY that me personally I have seen at RLC . Finding a Thor though , pff , how ? Only if a guest from outside gets to love the cameras equally as her or somehow a male tenant ( Massimo ?? , Wolf ?? ) that can change her world . She showed that she ENJOYED Wolf’s company and she wanted to be around him , the way she surrendered to him , the kisses , the cuddles .. but she has fast realized that Margo is a girl that she’s in his head and she has given distance .


Ulyana grows up always in front of us and her on cameras journey is INCREDIBLE to watch , her male partners choices show the “ need “ to have someone and satisfying ALL OF HIS NEEDS but this guy needs to SHOW HER AND PROTECT HER , like Olivia has done with her since she became from a teenager an adult girl 😇

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But ... what is this Massimo up to?

Not so often at the villa with a nice Ney which looks so sweet when she is with him?

He fucks her and that's it? Sorry to say, but even the gigolo is more caring ...

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