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B4 - General Topic 2023 #77 (December)

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1 minute ago, Troy said:

What did I missed from last night?

for you, obviously nothing.  everybody is different and because of that, what you watched live last night probably didn't bother you.  what i watched on replay concerning some of the things karma did during the night turned me off to her.  she is no different than any of the other trashy girls in the villa's.

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21 minuti fa, FrankZabba ha detto:

perché pensavo che fosse diversa dalle altre, ma ieri sera mi ha dimostrato che non è affatto diversa.

Penso che in realtà sia diversa dalle altre, dà abbastanza sicurezza ma in più occasioni ha detto di no (Sabina, Massimo qualche sera fa). Secondo me voi pensate che bocciarlo subito equivalga ad esclusione e sappiamo bene che la casa si divide in due gruppi dopo l'arrivo della "spunta". Credo anche che questa sia una scelta pericolosa perché potrebbe non accettare il rifiuto; Preferirei che chiarissi subito le cose.

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5 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

for you, obviously nothing.  everybody is different and because of that, what you watched live last night probably didn't bother you.  what i watched on replay concerning some of the things karma did during the night turned me off to her.  she is no different than any of the other trashy girls in the villa's.

I got you 🙂

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1 hour ago, Troy said:

No means No! these women need to stop letting unwanted Sexual Advantages toward them. Where I'm from if the women say No, they mean it. Or your going to find yourself in Emergency Room, with a knife wound or gun wound.

I completely agree with you and I said this here many times. NO means NO, period regardless how pushy you are. I just don't understand why some people here try to defend these girls. They are all mature enough to not allow certain things happen to them.  Again, I do not know if it is just a cultural thing in some parts of Europe  to see men begging so bad for sex, or women just allowing to be touched or fingered by anyone. If you are so high / drunk that you can't even control yourself, you have a problem because there are predators out there and you become an easy prey. Yesterday Massimo easily fingered Sara and ate her p*ssy. Then, he caressed Karma in Sara's room and in her room. You don't allow things like that to happen if you don't it to happen. I don;t care if you are sex worker or not, you need to be careful. There are girls here who don't exposed themselves to these kind of risks (Esmi, Nadia, Kelly, Octavia). I completely agree with you. in some countries, after a girl says no, don't even try to be pushy because you will either get pepper sprayed, or  seriously injured. As far as I am concerned, I won't blame  massimo or any other guys unless he tries to rape or sexually assault one of the girls. There are all adults and gotta firm with their No.

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1 minute ago, Gerald Knauft said:

What would have happened if she had defended herself against Massimo, who was physically superior to her? He wouldn't have stopped harassing and groping her. Maybe a rape would have resulted. In such abnormal situations, women are always faced with the dilemma of either passively enduring it or aggressively fending it off. I think she reacted correctly. There are corresponding training courses. Besides, I don't think Sara's behavior is all that wrong. Of course, she let Massimo finger and lick her, but in doing so she certainly saved Karma from something worse. And during this time, Daytona's presence was also worth its weight in gold. Imagine if Karma had been alone without protection and, if necessary, help!

Sure, none of them are angels, but please be more objective when assessing a situation

it's to easy to sit back and play arm chair quarterback.  what would have and what if's is just ridiculous in my opinion.  we will never know had she told the asshole to get the fuck out, what would have happened because that never happened.  Sara's behavior was totally wrong!  Regardless of whatever state Sara was in last night, she knew exactly what she was doing and she was hoping to pull Karma into the middle of it.  That didn't happen thank goodness and the asshole finally left.  As for Daytona being there, i have to agree with you, he was the saving grace this time.  Let's see what happens the next 50 times this scenario plays out.  Until these girls start saying no and fighting back, things will never change.

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3 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

è troppo facile sedersi e giocare a quarterback in poltrona. cosa avrebbe e cosa sarebbe successo se fosse semplicemente ridicolo secondo me. non sapremo mai se avesse detto a quello stronzo di andarsene, cosa sarebbe successo perché non è mai successo. Il comportamento di Sara era totalmente sbagliato! Indipendentemente dallo stato in cui si trovava Sara la notte scorsa, sapeva esattamente cosa stava facendo e sperava di coinvolgere Karma nel mezzo. Ciò non è accaduto, grazie al cielo e lo stronzo alla fine se n'è andato. Per quanto riguarda la presenza di Daytona, devo essere d'accordo con te, questa volta è stato lui la grazia salvifica. Vediamo cosa succederà le prossime 50 volte in cui si svolgerà questo scenario. Finché queste ragazze non inizieranno a dire no e a reagire, le cose non cambieranno mai.

I think like you about Sara's behavior and I had already written that it was all organized between Sara and Massimo

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Just now, poncherello said:

I think like you about Sara's behavior and I had already written that it was all organized between Sara and Massimo

yes, i saw your post and meant to reply to it but i got lost in confusion about all i have read.  i'll try to do better in the future.

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2 minutes ago, Elcondor said:

I completely agree with you and I said this here many times. NO means NO, period regardless how pushy you are. I just don't understand why some people here try to defend these girls. They are all mature enough to not allow certain things happen to them.  Again, I do not know if it is just a cultural thing in some parts of Europe  to see men begging so bad for sex, or women just allowing to be touched or fingered by anyone. If you are so high / drunk that you can't even control yourself, you have a problem because there are predators out there and you become an easy prey. Yesterday Massimo easily fingered Sara and ate her p*ssy. The, he went caressed Karma in Sara's room and in her room. You don't allow things like that to happen if you don't it to happen. I don;t care if you are sex worker or not, you need to be careful. There are girls here who don't exposed themselves to these kind of risks (Esmi, Nadia, Kelly, Octavia). I completely agree with you. in some countries, after a girl says no, don't even try to be pushy because you will either get pepper sprayed, seriously injured. As far as I am concerned, I won't massimo or any other guys unless he tries to rape or sexually assault one of the girls. There are all adults and gotta firm with their No.

You understand me, it doesn't mean your here to get Groped. RLC doesn't mean you have to fuck everybody. you want to lay around nude and get paid for that, and I don't have a problem with that. 🙂

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19 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

it's to easy to sit back and play arm chair quarterback.  what would have and what if's is just ridiculous in my opinion.  we will never know had she told the asshole to get the fuck out, what would have happened because that never happened.  Sara's behavior was totally wrong!  Regardless of whatever state Sara was in last night, she knew exactly what she was doing and she was hoping to pull Karma into the middle of it.  That didn't happen thank goodness and the asshole finally left.  As for Daytona being there, i have to agree with you, he was the saving grace this time.  Let's see what happens the next 50 times this scenario plays out.  Until these girls start saying no and fighting back, things will never change.

I think you and I are saying the same thing. I believe the reason why Daytona stayed that long with Karma is because she knew that something would have happened if she had left her alone with him and I also appreciated the fact that she went to Sara room to check on her after leaving Karma's room. 

What I am trying to emphazise here is that these should be more careful. They live with men they know nothing about ( their past, their criminal records etc...). A good looking man could easily be a wolf disguised in lamb. 

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6 minutes ago, Troy said:

You understand me, it doesn't mean your here to get Groped. RLC doesn't mean you have to fuck everybody. you want to lay around nude and get paid for that, and I don't have a problem with that. 🙂

Exactly, and if you ask for my personal opinion, I find Massimo a little aggresiv with these girls. He can't have a conversation with one of these girls without trying to touch, kiss or finger them. But they have to put the foot down and firmly tell him to stop and avoid to be in any blind spots with him. I don't think he will be stupid enough to sexually assault them in a house full of cameras.

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