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B4 - General Topic 2023 #80 (December)

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4 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

Non ho notato che tratta il karma in modo diverso quando ci sono altri intorno, ma forse. In ogni gruppo ogni persona fa parte di una frazione del gruppo, quindi ciò potrebbe essere visto come trascurato, ma non necessariamente. 

karma Conoscerebbe e conosce Sara MOLTO più di chiunque di noi. Sono certo che non abbia aspettative irrealistiche. Molte volte qui ho sentito "oh, la loro storia d'amore è finita" fino ad ora che la previsione non si è avverata. Sono abbastanza sicuro che la loro attività tantrica continuerà. Non dipende da altre cose che Sara fa

What you say is all true but I would really like to have the same trust as you

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1 minute ago, SMETANA said:

Retour de retour de KARMA ,mais emprunte l'escalier de la piscine , puis cuisine. Trajet plus court entre B7 et B4 ou plus discret ?

Longer journey.  This is used when they don't have the key to the front door, or don't want to disturb Sara or whomever is living in the penthouse.  The shortest route is between the backyard in B-7 and the backyard in B-4.

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4 minutes ago, poncherello said:

The fact remains that Sara behaves rudely and disrespectfully. For two days she hasn't even dignified Karma with a smile. The days when Sara brings coffee to bed and Karma prepares a snack for Sara who has to go out in a hurry seem so distant to me.

Karma is smart, she knows when to walk away from Sara especially when Sara engages in sex worker behaviors

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10 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

I haven’t notice she treats karma differently when others around, but maybe. In any group each person is on one fraction of the group, so that could be seen as being neglected, but not necessarily. 

karma Would know and knows Sara a TON more than any of us. I am certain she does not have any unrealistic expectations. Many times here, I have heard ‘oh their thing/romance is over’ so far that prediction has not come true. Pretty sure their tantric thing will continue. It is not contingent on other things Sara does

Yes  , tehy have done the tantra - But they haven't had any sex in a long time. And I belive sex is the glue needed to keep them together.

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3 minutes ago, 1charliefoxx69 said:

No Christmas Tree 🎄

Am I the only one who noticed there no Christmas tree in the B4 LR like every year?

I saw Bog pull it out of the storage room and assembled it but where is it?

They usually decorate the tree together.

Nobody there has any intrest in such things! 

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