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Qui est cette jeune dame

Who is this young lady

Alisa qui joue les stars.  ;D Comme l'écrit "Bobbyjoe" elle est fringuée de manière à se faire remarquer en faisant mine de se cacher derrière son chapeau et ses lunettes et comme il écrit aussi "On l'imagine aussi dans les rues de Barcelone, croisant les gens dans la rue qui diraient : T'as vu, c'est la fille de RealLifeCam"... Absurde !

Si tu ne lis pas l'anglais, ça va être très très difficile pour toi ici...  :D ;)

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Ok. Let me summarise. A girl called Nora lives here (RLC has never duplicated alias names). She looks like the old Nora, talks like her, wears similar clothes and has the same possessions. Also, she lives in the same town. However, some of you are adamant that this is a totally different woman. Do you want a DNA test ??

When she came back the email that tells you new people are on said "Nora has rejoined the project"  so you're right it is the same.

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Ok. Let me summarise. A girl called Nora lives here (RLC has never duplicated alias names). She looks like the old Nora, talks like her, wears similar clothes and has the same possessions. Also, she lives in the same town. However, some of you are adamant that this is a totally different woman. Do you want a DNA test ??

When she came back the email that tells you new people are on said "Nora has rejoined the project"  so you're right it is the same.

It's also 06 Mar 2015! About 3.5 months too late.

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