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B4 - General Topic 2023 #84 (December)

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3 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

it's all an act, kristy and taylor were so popular with the forum rlc is bringing it back with sara and karma.

Yes that may be all but that was interesting to watch not because of the sex but rather how Karma just smiled more and shone her eyes more than earlier in her time or with her Tantra boyfriend. Also, it's actually the most talked about topic in B4 here, there's hardly any discussion about Ney or Daytona, that's why the topic of Sara and Karma is so interesting. Because why should I discuss that Nadja andTattoo guy visit her is just not so interesting when she gets a visit, because you can look into almost every villa when they get a visit (So please don't judge me is just what I think at the moment).


Das ist auch der Grund warum ich mich überhaupt bei RLC angemeldet habe, denn solche Geschichten machen spaß zu zuschauen

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17 minutes ago, Lasse said:

Sara is a bit autistic. She can't have a close connection with anybody!! And she has no empaty towards anyone. Furtermore she has some ADHD.She has a hard time to be still more than a minute or two!


Drug addiction do this with people

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