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B4 - General Topic 2023 #92 (December)

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4 minutes ago, poncherello said:

I'm sorry to have to correct you: he knocked and entered, without waiting for permission to enter. Education is another thing but now I understand that I say mine and you say yours. HI. Watch the replay. I don't accept this behavior but I will be made of a different cloth

Nothing to correct me on, I know what I saw unlike what you saw. Remember the time you reported E&V apartment because you thought they were fighting and Elli was being strangled by Vencel...wrong, they were play fighting and you openly admitted you reported it. I know what I saw and there was nothing wrong with Massi and what he did. Nobody died or came to any harm.  

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1 minute ago, Lasse said:

How long will you defend him?  Marilyn has a lock on her door. Could be a good idea to use it !!!

Why would I not defend someone who has done nothing wrong. You are talking rubbish and btw he has a lock on his door too because he turned the latch so like Maz, he can lock his room from the inside. 

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4 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Niente da correggermi, so cosa ho visto a differenza di quello che hai visto tu. Ricordi quella volta che hai denunciato l'appartamento di E&V perché pensavi che stessero litigando e che Elli fosse stata strangolata da Vencel... sbagliato, stavano litigando per gioco e hai ammesso apertamente di averlo denunciato. So quello che ho visto e non c'era niente di sbagliato in Massi e in quello che ha fatto. Nessuno è morto o ha subito danni.  

Why do we have to wait for damage or deaths before expressing an opinion? We're confusing fireflies with lanterns. I asked RLC if what was happening was correct, it was RLC's choice to suspend the cams and not my indication. Proof of this is the fact that perhaps the good Vencel has not been seen since that day. However, I have already said: my eyes are different from yours so there is no point in fueling controversy

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6 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Why do we have to wait for damage or deaths before expressing an opinion? We're confusing fireflies with lanterns. I asked RLC if what was happening was correct, it was RLC's choice to suspend the cams and not my indication. Proof of this is the fact that perhaps the good Vencel has not been seen since that day. However, I have already said: my eyes are different from yours so there is no point in fueling controversy

We don't have to wait for death or injury but RLC mistakenly saw what you thought you saw and after the Fox and Don incident they probably chose to remove it to save themselves from any drama from more people complaining about something they thought they saw. We have different opinions but your dislike for certain project members is relentless and people have been asking for this to stop but it just carries on and on. 

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6 hours ago, FrankZabba said:

karma is hanging out with the wrong chicks!  both sara and aziza are way into drugs and i fear that karma will slowly get into drugs as well hanging around those two.  i also fear that her defenses will become weak because of it.  therefore, both midget and molester will have a good chance scoring with her.


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18 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Because you don't understand the concept of RLC, I'm not here to watch them fuck, there are many free dive sites where you can watch two or more people fuck, and you can see them anytime you want, instead of paying here and waiting, maybe for days, for that to happen and in the meantime complain that nothing happens, which is boring etc

I understand the concept very well thank you and better than some on here. RLC is a voyeur site and you pay to watch the apartments and anyone that enters them. I would not pay £40 a month to wait and watch people fuck when I can watch that for free on 'porn' sites immediately. I am a people watcher...not a sex pest.   

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