Elcondor Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 15 minutes ago, wafercop said: Meanwhile, when Azia and Karma clean up talked about yesterday There a lot emerged what they think of Max They called him psychopath they vomited at max he was apparently not popular They talked about drugs and guys who use them to get them in bed Azia said she has been through it she said she had problems with alcohol Karma also said she drank some but do not touch liquor more than a glass of wine they talked about the punishment what a judge should give for punishment and the consequences of drugs they don't want max there but they are polite to him nothing more There was much more about the other guys with they apparently know what wolf do with them and the other girls They seem to have a plan The thing I don't understand with these girls / will always blame these girls for is the fact that they are well aware how a bad character this Massimo is as a dude but if he shows up after the converstion, they will all hang out with him, laugh, smile, exchange hugs and even allow him to touch them inappropriately. They should let him know how they feel about him and start avoiding him. I hate how he touches these girls so disrespectfully and inappropriately. I always have the impression that he thinks he a rooster in a backyard and all the girls belong to him. I watched a replay where he was in bed with Nadia trying to touch her breast and she kept pushing him away. This is unacceptable. A no is a no. He should be kicked out along with Sara to my honest opinion. 3 14
Ulfolk Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 16 minutes ago, Mauri said: Se non lo vogliono, allora perche’ non parlano con chi di dovere per cacciarlo? Villa girls unhappy with the guys next door is nothing new, I remember a conversation in which Taylor talked about the girls being uncomfortable with the boys there all the time and without invitation. I think they don't do nothing because they don't feel entitled to; as someone said earlier, for them it's part of the contract they signed for 1
philo Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 I didn't read back more than just a few pages so I don't know if anyone has made comments about Daytona's participation in last nights events. I was surprised to see Daytona feel lots of tits and make out with a girl. At first I thought that he/she (sorry, I don't know what pronoun to use) only liked guys but now I'm not sure. I wonder if Daytona could actually fuck a woman?
Maxbell Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 19 minutes ago, Mauri said: Se non lo vogliono, allora perche’ non parlano con chi di dovere per cacciarlo? I posted a couple reasons on page 16, if you want to know some possibilities it would be awesome if the women did do something but I think culture and ramifications make it easy to ignore
Mauri Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 1 minute ago, Ulfolk said: Le ragazze di Villa insoddisfatte dei ragazzi della porta accanto non sono una novità, ricordo una conversazione in cui Taylor parlava delle ragazze che si sentivano a disagio con i ragazzi lì tutto il tempo e senza invito. Penso che non facciano nulla perché non se ne sentono autorizzati; come ha detto qualcuno prima, per loro fa parte del contratto che hanno firmato Non hanno firmato per farsi importunare dai ragazzi, o farsi molestare, non sono li a soddisfare le voglie dei ragazzi, io credo che hanno tutto il diritto di lamantarsi se si sentono a disagio o infastidite dai comportamenti dei ragazzi, ricordo che sono Donne, esseri umani, non sono Robot. 3
Elcondor Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 2 minutes ago, Mauri said: They didn't sign up to be bothered by boys, or harassed, they are not there to satisfy the boys' desires, I believe they have every right to complain if they feel uncomfortable or annoyed by the boys' behaviour, I remember that they are women, human beings. humans, they are not robots. I totally agree with you and I don't believe a normal person will sign a contract that clearly specifies that you can be treated inappropriately by guys. RLC should make sure that these girls feel safe and protected. If this is not the case, the girls themselves should take the matter into their hands and address the issue. I would rather prevent a rape than being raped. Again, Massimo is a predator and whenever he is around one of these girls he can't keep his hands for himself. RLC should not be using these girls maybe because of her social status, their situations to expose them to any kind of predators. 1 5
Mauri Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 2 minutes ago, Elcondor said: Sono totalmente d'accordo con te e non credo che una persona normale firmerà un contratto che specifica chiaramente che puoi essere trattata in modo inappropriato dai ragazzi. RLC dovrebbe assicurarsi che queste ragazze si sentano sicure e protette. Se così non fosse, le ragazze stesse dovrebbero prendere in mano la situazione e affrontare la questione. Preferirei impedire uno stupro piuttosto che essere violentata. Ancora una volta, Massimo è un predatore e ogni volta che si trova vicino a una di queste ragazze non riesce a tenere le mani per sé. RLC non dovrebbe usare queste ragazze forse a causa del loro status sociale e della loro situazione per esporle a qualsiasi tipo di predatore. Il problema e’ che molte persone, spettatori, visitatori ma anche alcuni partecipanti, credono che le ragazze che sono li, solamente perche’ ci sono le telecamere, allora tutto gli e’ dovuto, credono che siano li apposta per loro e che possono toccarle o scoparle quando volgliono.
Ulfolk Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 38 minutes ago, Elcondor said: I would rather prevent a rape than being raped. Again, Massimo is a predator and whenever he is around one of these girls he can't keep his hands for himself. RLC should not be using these girls maybe because of her social status, their situations to expose them to any kind of predators. Yup. Miron was expelled for abusing an unconscious Lilith, but it wasn't the first time he had done that with a girl and I remember there were already complaints pointing out his behavior. RLC waited for the worst to happen, and they are repeating the same mistake now 1
northguy Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 24 minutes ago, philo said: I didn't read back more than just a few pages so I don't know if anyone has made comments about Daytona's participation in last nights events. I was surprised to see Daytona feel lots of tits and make out with a girl. At first I thought that he/she (sorry, I don't know what pronoun to use) only liked guys but now I'm not sure. I wonder if Daytona could actually fuck a woman? I think she's into men, from the gay community. Last night was show/work for RLC. 1
northguy Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 25 minutes ago, Maxbell said: I posted a couple reasons on page 16, if you want to know some possibilities it would be awesome if the women did do something but I think culture and ramifications make it easy to ignore In my country, as part of Western Europe, the women generally would confront the guy directly. In Easter Europe, now part of the EU, less so. But in Ukraine and Russia with the Orthodox Church, the women tend to be much more submissive by culture. 1
Elcondor Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 5 minutes ago, Mauri said: The problem is that many people, spectators, visitors but also some participants, believe that the girls who are there, just because there are cameras, then everything is due to them, they believe that they are there especially for them and that they can touch them or fuck them whenever they want. You are right. I strongly believe that is exactly what the likes of Massimo thinks. Personally, I don't even watch him having sex with a girl, because even during the act, he has no respect for them, he behaves more like a porn star and keeps starring at the cameras. There is no passion when he is with a girl. Everything with him is rough. 2 2
Maxbell Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 1 minute ago, northguy said: I think she's into men, from the gay community. Last night was show/work for RLC. Mass was dancing with her for a while. One of the clips show Daytona on Sara’s bed, touching mass while he was laying on his side. Yes I think Daytona has much more to reveal. 🤓😁 1
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