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B4 - General Topic 2024 #19 (January)

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9 hours ago, Lookwarm said:

We're basically funding a gay nite club.

...and day club, there are three out of 4 individuals with cocks in the kitchen right now.  That ratio will spell the death of RLC.  The subscriber base will abandon this shit.   

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VHTV allowed guys to take over their apartments.  Sometimes there would be as many as 5 or 6 guys to one girl in an apartment.  They had constant video caps of guys pissing in bathroom sinks.  They too, had a tranny in one of their apartments for a period of time.  Then they had Henry sucking dick and gay guys ass fucking...etc.  I did have a sub there for a period, but as soon as that shit started...I was out.  Same with RLC, I'm not interested in any cock and lately RLC has been getting closer and closer to VHTV.  I will note that VHTV has backed away from that shit lately, but I think the damage has been done judging by the constant resub begging and discounting they do.  Sorry they fucked me over once...never again.  RLC...ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!!!

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6 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

VHTV allowed guys to take over their apartments.  Sometimes there would be as many as 5 or 6 guys to one girl in an apartment.  They had constant video caps of guys pissing in bathroom sinks.  They too, had a tranny in one of their apartments for a period of time.  Then they had Henry sucking dick and gay guys ass fucking...etc.  I did have a sub there for a period, but as soon as that shit started...I was out.  Same with RLC, I'm not interested in any cock and lately RLC has been getting closer and closer to VHTV.  I will note that VHTV has backed away from that shit lately, but I think the damage has been done judging by the constant resub begging and discounting they do.  Sorry they fucked me over once...never again.  RLC...ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!!!


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14 minuti fa, maxfactor ha detto:

VHTV ha permesso ai ragazzi di impossessarsi dei loro appartamenti. A volte in un appartamento c'erano fino a 5 o 6 ragazzi per ragazza. Avevano costantemente riprese video di ragazzi che pisciavano nei lavandini dei bagni. Poi hanno avuto Henry che succhiava il cazzo e ragazzi gay che si inculavano...ecc. Ho avuto un sub lì per un periodo, ma non appena è iniziata quella merda... ero fuori. Lo stesso vale per RLC, non mi interessa nessun cazzo e ultimamente RLC si sta avvicinando sempre di più a VHTV.  

Non e' solo una questione dei gay, ma il contesto in generale, RLC e' uscito dal suo target di come era una volta, ed e' per questo che perdera' molti abbonati, siamo onesti, era nato come sito voyeur, ovvero, spiare la vita privata di altre persone nella loro quotidianita', nulla di organizzato e preparato, niente show, nulla di cio' che vediamo oggi e da quando sono state aperte le ville, io credo che la maggior parte degli abbonati a RLC siano maschi, e per lo più etero che vuole vedere donne. E sicuramente non una discoteca in casa dove le persone ballano si ubriacano e si drogano.

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