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B4 - General Topic 2024 #25 (February)

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2 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Spero davvero di no ma purtroppo penso di sbagliarmi, lei è sicuramente con lui ma spero che non si faccia più vedere nella villa

Von den Tüten, die sie mitgebracht hat, glaube ich, dass sie einkaufen gegangen ist, um Vorräte zu essen, denn wenn das Karma zurückkommt, wird auch der gierige, unersättliche Gierfresser von B7 zurückkommen

Dalle borse che ha portato con se credo sia andata a fare la spesa, rifornimenti da mangiare perchè se rientra karma rientrerà pure il divoratore ingordo insaziabile goloso di B7


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9 hours ago, Lasse said:

I wonder if Sara is awere of that Massi was home at 0015 and went to bed? He doesn't think Sara is an exiting challenge anymore !!

I love the way people on here think based on what they see on cam and makes stuff up lol. It's all fun and games lol. 

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8 minutes ago, cylinderopuntia said:

Aziza hat gestern, als sie nach Hause kam, niemanden begrüsst. Stimmt hier die Chemie nicht mehr?

She literally arrived @21:31 so probably just wanted to go to her room...no crime in that, it; literally a normal thing to do. 

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26 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

I love the way people on here think based on what they see on cam and makes stuff up lol. It's all fun and games lol. 

I guess that is the point with this forum: Let your imagination loose!!

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2 minutes ago, Lasse said:

I guess that is the point with this forum: Let your imagination loose!!

Not too loose though to a point where it gets too invasive and negative with certain things on here. Other than that, then I fully agree. 

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11 minutes ago, Lasse said:

As long as nobody gets hurt.....

Absolutely agree and so far the only person since I have returned to RLC I have seen get hurt was Fox when Don assaulted her. Nothing else since that time has come close.  

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10 hours ago, northguy said:

Massimo has send this to Sara:

"Meet me there where it never closes
Meet me there where it's never hopeless
All is fair in love, oh-oh-oh
Honey, are you coming?

I know a place downtown, babe, if you wanna go
I'm gonna show you how this Italian amor
Is gonna love you harder than ever before
You will li-i-i-i-ike it
We're gonna get sky-high and create a new world
Where somebody might die, but nobody gets hurt
And if it sounds good for you, baby, just say the word".

What will Sara say to that?

where's the bathroom?

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man kann ja auch einen eigenen bereich der sich nur auf rlc im allgemeinen bezieht nen thread machen und wo man nicht speziell auf gewisse appartments oder villas und deren Mieter spekuliert und so weiter.

Da B4 und wie die anderen Appartments spezifisch sind, wird auch in diesen Topic ausschließlich über die Personen darin geschrieben. da fast niemand von uns russisch kann ist es normal das man spekuliert oder über Leute redet die man mag oder auch nicht.

Wem das nicht passt was in den Topic geschrieben wird, muß ja nicht rein schauen oder falls ihm gewisse Personen auf die Eier gehen kann man sie auch auf ignorieren schalten.


you can also make a separate thread that only refers to rlc in general and where you don't specifically speculate on certain apartments or villas and their tenants and so on.

Since B4 and like the other apartments are specific, this topic is also exclusively about the people in it. since almost none of us can speak russian, it is normal to speculate or talk about people you like or don't like.

If you don't like what is written in the topic, you don't have to look in or if certain people get on your nerves, you can switch them to ignore.

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