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I'm visiting with my favorite Goose tonight. Back to the pit tomorrow for a hard 3 day week. I need to get back to work so I can relax. This wife of mine is a slave driver with the things that she (and I) plan for my days off.

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I'm perusing the rest of the boards for a change. These noobs are over the top unreal. They post up any link to a porn site claiming it to be RLC. Nauseating to say the least.

I know.  They're so weird.  I really do think that some of them are only twelve years old.

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I'm visiting with my favorite Goose tonight. Back to the pit tomorrow for a hard 3 day week. I need to get back to work so I can relax. This wife of mine is a slave driver with the things that she (and I) plan for my days off.

tbg you must be on the Honey Do list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kind of a funny story, but true all the same. 

Once, some of the guys and myself were sitting on the steps of this junior high school at night, just casually drinking some beers.

And these guys that I am referring to were not like some of those jackasses you sometimes see that make a lot of loud obnoxious noises.  We were young men, and had some class.  Yes even the very scary tough guys that made up the ranks back then, had class! 

However, at that time there was some laughing that took place, simply because some of these guys were some real characters, and they were talking at the time about Tom Pierce, not Bosman, but crazy Tom Pierce, and what he had been up to at the time.

Well, I didn't think that we were that loud, but it was a quiet night, and back then almost no one had air conditioning yet, so they would often just leave their doors open, with only their screen door then being closed.

Well, as it happened from across the street, this old man came to his side door and started to bark at us.

Something like, "Can't you kids keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep!"

And honestly, we weren't being at all that loud.  But he caught our attention, and so we just sort of stared at him for a while.  And for a while we were very quiet.  But then the merriment and the laughter returned.

I promise you we weren't that loud!  But there he was again, as he charged through the open screen door heading straight for us.

He had on what looked like these yellow kiddie pajamas.  You know, with the crescent moon, and little white stars.  And he was fuming until he got close enough to focus and then literally stopped dead in his tracks about ten feet from us.  He then became real nervous, and frankly a bit shook up just to look at some of these guys.    And then he started saying,..

"Look fellas, I don't mean to be a horse's ass, because I was young once too."  That sort of stuff.

Well, we then said,.. "That alright, we understand,.. Here have a beer." 

And he started to drink with us, and he started to laugh right along with us.  We were a fun bunch of guys.  But then his wife appeared at the side door and yelled out across the street to him.

"Harold, you get back in here right now!'

And he then turned around and shouted back,.. "Aw shut up you fucking bitch, I'll come in when I'm good and ready to come in."  And we lifted our bottles up and saluted him.    And he was positively beaming.

And so for the first time in who knows how many years, he finally found his balls again.

And yes that is a true fucking story.     

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My problem is, mine will join us. When she was told, 'Boy's night', she would politely excuse herself while giving me the glare. When she learned that that wouldn't work, she just simply gave up and said to have a nice time.

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Oh. We can take well care of ourselves. We don't need anyone to be a 'go-fer' for our drinks, munchies, music, whatever. Just leave us to ourselves. She understands and complies with no problem.

A few hours later, the boys leave, I clean up any mess and all is happy in the TBG household once again.

It works the same way for her friends.

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