HotWivesRock Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 Azi and Karma all dressed up, Azi looks dressed for a wedding and Karma a Funeral. 1
Mauri Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 9 minutes ago, HotWivesRock said: Azi e Karma sono tutti vestiti bene, Azi sembra vestita per un matrimonio e Karma per un funerale. Dove sono?
Brit Guy Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 29 minutes ago, HotWivesRock said: Azi and Karma all dressed up, Azi looks dressed for a wedding and Karma a Funeral. Bride and widow presumably...perhaps!
desinc Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 12 hours ago, Borbora said: Numi vomited, drunk and in bed Poor girl... she really does have a problem with alcohol. When she drinks, she usually drinks to excess. Here's her crash landing after her second trip to the porcelain throne to puke her guts out. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording 1 1 1
Brit Guy Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 5 minutes ago, desinc said: Poor girl... she really does have a problem with alcohol. When she drinks, she usually drinks to excess. Here's her crash landing after her second trip to the porcelain throne to puke her guts out. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording I wouldn't say it's a problem...alcoholism is. It could have been nasty for sure, but thankfully she crash landed conveniently right on her bed lol. 1
desinc Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 4 hours ago, Lookwarm said: Hey RLC. is there no concern that a male tenant can bring into the secure building that is B4, a group of men and then leave them with a group of women? Those are men that I have never seen before, perhaps others have but it's something you would not wish to see again, surely? I don't understand this mentality that RLC has the responsibility to babysit their adult tenants. Why would RLC have this burden but any other landlord would not have this same expectation? Is it because there is a theory that RLC forces the adult tenants to have parties where RLC also ships in unvetted predatory men to create content? I don't believe this happens whatsoever. At least in the RLC properties there are cameras recording 90% of everything going on in case something did happen. That's better then what any other landlord provides. There are millions of 19-20 year old girls (including my daughter) living together in apartments all around the world who do just fine without being chaperoned. Yes, some of these same girls have parties, get drunk/high, and have newly met men in their homes several times a year as well. Can something bad happen? Of course it can... and does. They do what everyone is taught to do if trouble arises... Call the police. These adult tenants should be responsible for their own well being or they should be living at home living with mama and papa. 2
HotWivesRock Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 27 minutes ago, desinc said: Poor girl... she really does have a problem with alcohol. When she drinks, she usually drinks to excess. Here's her crash landing after her second trip to the porcelain throne to puke her guts out. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Ouch
Mauri Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 17 minuti fa, desinc ha detto: Non capisco questa mentalità secondo cui RLC ha la responsabilità di fare da babysitter ai propri inquilini adulti. Perché RLC dovrebbe avere questo onere ma qualsiasi altro proprietario non avrebbe le stesse aspettative? È perché esiste una teoria secondo cui RLC costringe gli inquilini adulti a organizzare feste in cui RLC invia anche uomini predatori non controllati per creare contenuti? Non credo che ciò accada in alcun modo. Almeno nelle proprietà RLC ci sono telecamere che registrano il 90% di tutto ciò che accade nel caso in cui succede qualcosa. È meglio di quello che offre qualsiasi altro proprietario. Ci sono milioni di ragazze di 19-20 anni (inclusa mia figlia) che vivono insieme in appartamenti in tutto il mondo e se la passano bene senza essere sorvegliate. Sì, alcune di queste stesse ragazze organizzano feste, si ubriacano/si sballano e hanno anche incontrato uomini nuovi nelle loro case più volte all'anno. Può succedere qualcosa di brutto? Certo che può... e lo fa. Fanno quello che a tutti viene insegnato a fare in caso di problemi... Chiama la polizia. Questi inquilini adulti dovrebbero essere responsabili del proprio benessere o dovrebbero vivere a casa con mamma e papà. Tutto giusto, ma RLC e' una azienda, ed e' anche responsabilta' loro di cio' che accade all'interno dei loro appartamenti, ed anche per non perdere i suoi clienti, 1
desinc Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 28 minutes ago, Mauri said: Tutto giusto, ma RLC e' una azienda, ed e' anche responsabilta' loro di cio' che accade all'interno dei loro appartamenti, ed anche per non perdere i suoi clienti, I'm here for Real Life content, not RLC produced, chaperoned, or censored content. The more RLC stays out of day to day events happening on their properties, the more real the content is... and the more I like it. Take what happened a couple of months ago with Sedona (I thinks that's her name)... This young lady moved in and from all appearances seemed to be the prototypical RLC beautiful young lady. But she slowly drifted into what looked like a manic schizophrenic condition. There were early indicators that something might be wrong and RLC could of sent her packing. Don't forget, she could of taken her meds at any time and started to correct the course of her mental health. But she didn't and things got worse and that's real life stuff. This is what I pay a subscription for... I want to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. The participants don't want RLC stepping in every time RLC is uncomfortable with any given situation like some modern day big brother. They want their freedom to do as they please... right or wrong. And, as a wise man I watch on YouTube says, "Freedom is scary... deal with it"
Mauri Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 3 minutes ago, desinc said: Sono qui per contenuti della vita reale, non per contenuti prodotti da RLC, controllati o censurati. Più RLC rimane fuori dagli eventi quotidiani che accadono nelle sue proprietà, più il contenuto è reale... e più mi piace. Prendi quello che è successo un paio di mesi fa con Sedona (penso che sia il suo nome)... Questa giovane donna si è trasferita qui e da tutte le apparenze sembrava essere il prototipo della bellissima giovane donna di RLC. Ma lentamente scivolò in quella che sembrava una condizione maniacale-schizofrenica. C'erano i primi indicatori che qualcosa avrebbe potuto essere sbagliato e RLC avrebbe potuto mandarla a fare i bagagli. Non dimenticare che avrebbe potuto prendere le sue medicine in qualsiasi momento e iniziare a correggere il corso della sua salute mentale. Ma non lo fece e le cose peggiorarono e queste sono cose della vita reale . Questo è ciò per cui pago l'abbonamento... voglio vedere il buono, il brutto e il cattivo. I partecipanti non vogliono che RLC intervenga ogni volta che RLC si sente a disagio in una determinata situazione come un grande fratello moderno. Vogliono la libertà di fare ciò che vogliono... giusto o sbagliato. E, come dice un uomo saggio che guardo su YouTube, "La libertà fa paura... affrontala" La vita reale qui, c’era una volta, ora non e’ piu’ Vita Reale, Seda e’ stata mandata via per i suoi problemi, se fosse come dici tu, allora sarebbe rimasta, e invece RLC ha deciso di mandarla via, proprio perche’ lo hanno il controllo in un certo senso, e dovrebbero averlo anche in altre circostanze, ricordati che qui stiamo parlando di Voyeur e non di Porno, ed ad ogni Voyeur che si rispetti, non interessa vedere una folla di persone in casa dove c’e gente che balla, si ubriaca e si droga, o vedere ragazzi che cercano di scopare chiunque gli capiti , e le rincorrono come il gatto con il topo, RLC e’ uscito fuori fuori dai suoi schemi da quando hanno aperto le ville e inserito i ragazzi, e sinceramente questo non mi piace. Lo preferivo anni fa’, era molto piu’ reale, 1
Maxbell Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 24 minutes ago, desinc said: Take what happened a couple of months ago with Sedona (I thinks that's her name)... This young lady moved in and from all appearances seemed to be the prototypical RLC beautiful young lady. But she slowly drifted into what looked like a manic schizophrenic condition. There were early indicators that something might be wrong and RLC could of sent her packing. Don't forget, she could of taken her meds at any time and started to correct the course of her mental health. But she didn't and things got worse and that's real life stuff. This is what I pay a subscription for... I want to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. desinc. I like your views on real life etc. Seda though required real intervention. 1 1
desinc Posted March 8, 2024 Posted March 8, 2024 5 minutes ago, Mauri said: Real life here, once upon a time, now it's no longer Real Life, Seda was sent away due to her problems, if it were as you say, then she would have stayed, and instead RLC decided to send her away, precisely because they have control over it in a certain sense, and they should also have it in other circumstances, remember that here we are talking about Voyeur and not Porn, and every self-respecting Voyeur is not interested in seeing a crowd of people in the house where there are people dancing, getting drunk and taking drugs, or seeing guys trying to screw whoever comes their way, and chasing them like cat and mouse, RLC has come out of its box since they opened the villas and inserted the boys, and honestly I don't like this. I preferred it years ago, it was much more real, "Seda was sent away due to her problems, if it were as you say, then she would have stayed, and instead RLC decided to send her away, precisely because they have control over it in a certain sense" Yes, Seda, thank you for correcting me. I am not advocating for RLC to unilaterally stay out of their tenants lives. Yes, they made her leave because she was manic and there was very little hope that she could take care of herself any longer. I support their decision 100% and I also realize and appreciate that RLC has a very difficult job in deciding when and where to step in. "RLC has come out of its box since they opened the villas and inserted the boys, and honestly I don't like this. I preferred it years ago, it was much more real" I've been watching RLC on and off for 6 years, but consistently the last 2. Years ago, RLC had issues (mostly technical) that customers complained about constantly as well. As far as having the guys in the villa(s), I can see both the advantages and disadvantages, I'm pretty neutral on this topic. I do agree, however, that it was much more real years ago. 1
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