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B1 - General Topic 2024 #8 (July / August)

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16 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

No, because you dress as a clown, if you didn't then it would be a different story  😛😁✌️


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I really like Octavia, she is a beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful and kind person.

Octavia is exhausted, maybe burning the candles on “multiple sides”.
She wants to do a lot of things, puts a lot of pressure on herself, also because she doesn’t want to miss any opportunity, which I understand as she having a great appetite for life. But the balance is missing, she has not included enough time to process and recharge, while being on herself. She needs to have time to process all the impressions and feelings of what’s happening in her life. And when you don’t take this time as an introvert you’ll overload, and you’ll loose yourself. Which may explain the events on the trip. I might be overstepping and simplify too much, but drinking might show the overload in a “nasty way” (which is not her character). Smoking might dull her senses, and reduce the intake of new impressions, or at least reduce the intensity, but it won’t help recharging her “batteries”. 

She is a genuine lovely person, and wants to do good for all people in her life. But with the lack of energy, these good intentions will even more deplete her “batteries”.

I understand she has to make choices, to stay afloat, and not to get crushed because of the lack of energy. And staying in touch with this “community“ is one off the things that will have to wait, and it even might never happen.

Such an interesting person. I wish her well in life, and I hope someday to hear how she’s doing. She was the only reason I watched RLC, yes, there are for sure other interesting people, but I don’t understand the Russian language 🙂


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12 hours ago, Melle2 said:

Since you answered me in an appropriate manner, I would like to comment one last time on the special relationship with Octavia.
My time at RLC coincidentally overlapped with Octavia's time, so I also happened to see her contacting the viewers in the kitchen. Since these video recordings, which RLC deleted the next morning, a group of participants in this forum has formed who have responded to Octavia.

Octavia has often responded very directly to these posts, one could even get the impression that she was waiting for them. In this respect, there is a special form of connection between this group and Octavia. This connection has nothing to do with stalking.

There seem to be people in this group who know Octavia's SM contacts and have "begged" for contact with her. My concern in my post goes in a completely different direction. I have not begged for contact with her, but I see a connection between a group and her that I would like to maintain. And that is in no way creepy.
I can only understand that this forum does not want contact between tenants and viewers if it is dependent on RLC and therefore represents the interests of RLC.

And regardless of this background, it is unbearable to be insulted here by people who are obviously not informed or simply want to spread hate.

And I'm just going to say this. Don't take everything so personal. People here are just have fun. And the more sensitive you get, the more people will pick on you. It's just a chat room, it's nothing' serious. 🙂✌️

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7 hours ago, fugwash said:

The TL,DR version for those who need it: Octavia will try to start vlogging on YouTube. If she is happy with the results, she will contact us and let us know how to see it, as it will probably be a private YT account.

Thanks for that TL;DR !

7 hours ago, fugwash said:

I would imagine she will come in here and tell us, but only after she's left RLC, so that StnCld316 doesn't need to step in and lay the smacketh down on a participant making an account here.  And yes, I know that I'm mixing my wrestling metaphors by suggesting Stone Cold would use the Rock Bottom.

Probably a good idea to wait yes. Even tho there is actually nothing that I found in the forum rules, privacy policy or anything that prevents the tenants of having an account and posting. Or sending private messages. So that's probably an unwritten one (or well hidden). That being said (and it goes with what follows) ...

7 hours ago, fugwash said:

Err, anyhow, she also made a very impassioned plea for us to be kinder to the girls, that we can have a more positive impact here than we might imagine.  It was very well said, and I pass this along with the full knowledge that those people who need to hear it most will just let it pass right over their heads. 🤷‍♂️

... I said it before, I can't imagine why the tenants would want to read those forums, given the sad mentality here (in average), and on the internet as a whole. We live a sad world where people shit on everything rather than trying to do better and be better. While I agree with Octavia that it wouldn't take much to have a good impact as a community, I wouldn't hope on it. With her leaving, the bastion of decency that existed on this sub will probably slowly dissolve. I used to just lurk around here, and the events here led to the pleasant surprise of finding decent people (and yes, some might be creeps, but who on this forum can seriously judge anyone ? Of any of the places... there are only creeps on that forum. We watch other people through cameras in their place ffs. Get down your righteous horses and have a look at the mirror). 

Octavia, you were a delight. You gave a new dimension to RLC and gave probably way more than you can guess. You will be truly missed. Have a great summer, enjoy life, thrust yourself (but take your time with the guys) and stay safe !

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32 minutes ago, itohkata said:

Probably a good idea to wait yes. Even tho there is actually nothing that I found in the forum rules, privacy policy or anything that prevents the tenants of having an account and posting. Or sending private messages. So that's probably an unwritten one (or well hidden). That being said (and it goes with what follows) ...

It's in the Cam Caps Terms of Service Agreement.

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33 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

It's in the Cam Caps Terms of Service Agreement.

Could you provide info of where I can find that ? On registration, 2 links are provided (that needs to be accepted for registration) 


Neither of those indicate anything about the tenants. Then we have the rules posted in each forums (

At the bottom of the page, there is only link to the privacy policy, and the cookie policy. Can't find any page that would be a "Cam Caps Terms of Service Agreement."

Of course you do whatever you want with your forum, and I know I'm probably the only one who actually read those terms, but still. 




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