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B4 - General Topic 2024 #57 (August)

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Je pense que 80% des résidents actuels ne sont pas intéressés pour le projet mais juste pour le logement gratuit.

RLC serait en faillite si y'avait pas autant de gens accrocs au site et qui paient même s'ils savent que y'a rien d'intéressant à voir.

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36 minutes ago, Mi02 said:

I think that 80% of the current residents are not interested in the project but just in the free housing.

RLC would be bankrupt if there weren't so many people addicted to the site and paying even though they know there's nothing interesting to see.

true that, and that's exactly what it is, an addiction!  i honestly thought it was going to be hard to get away from rlc but the more i read this forum, the more i made the right decision to quit watching them.

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