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B2 - General Topic 2024 #14 (October)


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1 hour ago, Jonno said:

So your girlfriend can't go on vacation/make some easy money without getting smashed by every Tom, Dick and Harry. That make the boyfriend controlling. 🙄

Expect masturbating, don't expect getting fucked, especially if they have a boyfriend. Simple.

What kind of vocation is that if you don’t get smashed 🤣🤣🤣

I don’t expect shit, but her stock went down big with those tent bates 🤦‍♂️

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19 hours ago, chogdad said:

More hired blokes?

Non sei il primo che lo pensa, e non escludo possa essere così, ma perchè pensate siano le ragazze a pagarli? secondo me sono ragazzi che fanno lo stesso lavoro e se sono pagati lo sono da altri, come le ragazze. Oppure sono "clienti": potrebbe darsi che far fare show le ragazze si "prostituisano", ma senza far pagare purchè i ragazzi accettino le telecamere. Avete informazioni che dicono siano le ragazze a pagare? non lo dico in modo critico: lo chiedo proprio per curiosità

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49 minutes ago, Monsena said:

You are not the first to think so, and I do not exclude it could be so, but why do you think the girls pay them? In my opinion they are boys who do the same job and if they are paid they are paid by others, like the girls. Or they are "clients": it could be that by making the girls do a show they are "prostituting themselves", but without charging as long as the boys accept the cameras. Do you have information that says the girls pay? I am not saying this in a critical way: I am asking just out of curiosity

When i say 'Hired', i don't mean literally, although that COULD be the case. What i mean is, they arrived for a purpose, they are not their friends who they hang around with, they turn up for a reason - To create views, to create traffic. 

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8 hours ago, Elcondor said:

I guess that is the reason why she did not participate in the sex marathon with the others. but it is kinda surprising that she has a boyfriend, but still walk around other guys just in a thong and had a penis in erection just inches away from her p*ssy. 

Anyway, there is a lot of hypes around her and honestly, she has not done anything since she joined 2 or 3 weeks ago. 



except face time with her boy friend

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