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In the recent weeks, I've occasionally posted my opinion of the status of VV. Now that some days has passed since the arrival of the new couple, I want to give my impressions again.

First, I want to say, that I think it's good that ordinary people were invited to the villa again. The time of extreme inappropriate or completely idiotic guests appears to be over. Good, because some were partially unbearable. With delight, I have also read that there is some action in the bedroom again. After everything I've learned in this forum, this is an essential need for the format of pages like (RLC and VV). Taken together, the development sounds positive.

With the day of the arivel of the new couple, I dicided to buy a new three day ticket. However, I must admit that after two day of the test period, I also decided to canel my subscription before the automatically renewal of 30 days.  So, I am not a paying customer, now.

There are several reasons for my dicision, but one important is the price performance ratio. A $ 30 per appartment (or couple) per month cost seems to be very overpriced in comparision to RLC. With RLC this price is depending on whether one evaluates all or only the at least comparable (assumed as  including straight and not covered sex) appartments (or couples) and lies between $ 4.28  to $ 7.50. That's a big difference, thats needs to be compensated by the sympathy of the residents in the villa. Lilu and Milka were two residents who appeared very sympathetic, at least to me. But, the new couple can not keep up here. That lies especially on the guy who unfortunately often acts childish, not relaxed and a little annoying. Not so it is unbearable, only it works just not particularly sympathetic. At the same time, the two do not really seem to fit well together and I also wonder what kind of additional residents will fit to them. … hmm … at least the girl is good looking. :)

Now, that the Villa runs a format which is compareable to an single apparment version of RLC, it must be allowed that other points are compared, too. So i think, that VV fails in the quality and the positioning of the cameras. Many of the them are positioned too high, to see the faces (or other thinks ;) ) well. At the same time, the resolution seems to be significantly lower (even in high bitrate mode). I also consider the apartment as not villa like. Here there is a greater number of points that bother me. The passage to the balcony is from the bedroom, what does not permit any privacy in this room when guest are in the villa. The tub could be larger and a second camera in the bathroom would be great. Since there is already a couch in living room the guest room could be equipped with a real permanent bed, so that a second couple (for which i still hope for) could feel equal. And why are there only two working chairs in the kitchen, now? All of these points could improve the price to performance ratio, too.

More important, however remain the residents. Here I find it a pity that the last couple (stayed for two times in the villa) obviously will not come back. This couple would have been really great for a re-start. ...  :)

I have not given up hope and first improvements can be seen. But when RLC is able to start real english speaking apartments, it looks very bad for VV. So they should not rest on this first improvement. I think they urgently need more customers. However, to obtain this additonal costomers they need to to invest heavily. I hope that they make it and would be happy to be a paying customer agian.

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They seem to young as well like not enough life experience etc. Need a good looking couple in their who at least should be mid 20's. Most recent housemates seem very childish and not very mature. The best was from the beginning with the original couples. Just seems their desperate and there just putting anyone in there.

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In my opinion I think  they need to have a free weekend  every 2 months  or so  and just open up all the cams  for like 48 hours.    it's worked  for  pay cable channels like HBO and Showtime and Cinemax.  It will draw  in  new viewers  and more potential paying customers.

Same goes for RLC too!

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Three man and one girl watching TV/laptop.

it is ridiculous for such a site.


That was better one hour earlier. They had also two good looking girls as guests, too.

I would like to know what kind of relationship the older guy has to VV. It could be, that he is a member of the managment. He behaves at least different from the ordinary guests.

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