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This guy is disgusting.

She is caressing him for half an hour, he is watching his mobile, both disappear in the toilet room, after seconds rushing to the bathroom, panties down, less than 90 sec in out, dressing up and leaving the apt.

With big WOW they were announced. Another casting problem obviously.

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He must be related to Paul, can't put the cell phone down and than he only last less than two minutes.

Nah  As bad as Paul is at sex... He  is WAY better than this  shit.... This couple is a  joke. The guy  is  10 years old  mentally.  Can't  act  his age to save his life.  The girl is  hot as hell,  but she  is not assertive at all.  oh and one more thing...

I predict  the bird will die within a week.

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Dry humping on the free cam... part of the concept?


Of course, this is part of the concept. Only his interpreation is just totally childish and nonsensical. The casting of this guy is just a bad joke.  How can VV be so stupid to put this guy into the villa. He creates a situation of  annoyance and wretchedness. Terrible. Now, the whole page is a disaster. Hopeless.

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