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Guys I have an idea about whats currently going on. I believe VV apartment is currently being used as a hostel. A place for young Russians to stay, who come to Moscow as the start of their travels through EU. None have came with a lot of clothes. This last couple may be back after they travel around abit hopefully. That is my current theory. Seems plausible to me.

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Guys I have an idea about whats currently going on. I believe VV apartment is currently being used as a hostel. A place for young Russians to stay, who come to Moscow as the start of their travels through EU. None have came with a lot of clothes. This last couple may be back after they travel around abit hopefully. That is my current theory. Seems plausible to me.

So you think mostly boys are on the travel to EU? No, guess they are coming as guest with luggage for 1 or 2 nights. All have to sign a document about cameras etc. maybe they do get some money for this or like a test for  a later stay as residents.

The new couple did not arrive together. The guy had arrived the day before and the girl arrived together with the guy in the blue shirt. He had left during night/morning already after trying to get in contact with Lilu or Milka - but without success.

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This site now is a big 0 !!! He never should have gone Rome. There were many people who complained about it ... now they complain that this site is worthless. At the time I already said that Roma should not be going , now it's too late !!!

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This site now is a big 0 !!! He never should have gone Rome. There were many people who complained about it ... now they complain that this site is worthless. At the time I already said that Roma should not be going , now it's too late !!!

Nobody complain about Roma, he left because of Sabrina. She wasn't happy about his and Lilu relationship. I wish he would have stayed.

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This site now is a big 0 !!! He never should have gone Rome. There were many people who complained about it ... now they complain that this site is worthless. At the time I already said that Roma should not be going , now it's too late !!!

Nobody complain about Roma, he left because of Sabrina. She wasn't happy about his and Lilu relationship. I wish he would have stayed.

I guess it was not everyone . I know that for example you or Spielo my friend did not want to leave, but I can assure you that there were many post against Rome simply because they said he was playing with the feelings of Lilu ... ass! What feelings ? They had a great weekend and would surely have repeated much blame has people complained about him because if he cheated once Sabina , continue to do so for sure !!!

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Nobody of us really knows, if Roma has left or if he was gone by VV. And we do not know the reasons.

Was he really full in love with Sabina, did he want to stay only together with his friend Mark, who had to go? Was there a fight between VV and Roma? Did Sabina simply leave the country for another job? Did Sabina cheat on Roma when she was out half a week?

All we can do, is simply regret that he is no more in the villa. The good spirit is gone and the sex life, too. Since 8 weeks no sex, is this RealLife?

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This Place is a big joke and a scam towards the customers, new people moving in and out after 1 day lol.

If u paying customers are smart u stop membership now, im almost sure this site is closed within 1-2 months. Im also almost sure people who come there to "live" is people who run vv or friends to people that run it just to keep COSTs down and trying to attract more customers to get all Money they can Before closing down.

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Regulators have not coped with their work

Instead have fun and develop,these poor girls are decomposed on this show(((


Come join us Milka and Lilu ,we'll take care of you<3 :-*

wasting your valuable time,youth,dying of boredom and degrading.

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I feel sorry for Milka she has to try and carry the apartment all by her self. Lilu leave early in the morning and come back late at night.

I am trying to give VV time but time is running out on my subscription.

Milka has a lot of time but is not writing to you either....

BTW Milka is a brand name of very good sweet Swiss chocolate


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I feel sorry for Milka she has to try and carry the apartment all by her self. Lilu leave early in the morning and come back late at night.

I am trying to give VV time but time is running out on my subscription.

Milka has a lot of time but is not writing to you either....

BTW Milka is a brand name of very good sweet Swiss chocolate


bilder uploaden

I know she owes me some selfies.

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