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I figured as much. Was it good at least? Were they under cover or were they not shy?

It was undercover like most first timers on cam. They not shy so next time if next time should be better. Hopefully they stay tonite again get more action.

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Really a very nice couple. They fit right into the group of people that I like to see in the villa. They are good looking, thoughtful, likeable and (most importent) normal. They also fit well to the girls.

He seems to be a unobtrusive but participating person who is also very pleasant. Both times he has arrived at the villa before her. Of course, this could just be a coincidence, but I suspect he has made sure that everything is ok. Just a thought, but he seems to be protective. Would be nice to have someone like that in the house. Even if the girls do not need to be protected. She seems to know what she wants. She also seemes very sympathetic and I like that she laughs a lot. Wonderful how she just tried to wake up milka.

Comparing the two with the previous visitors, i realy wonder why the vv management do not try this approach right from the beginning. If the two stay in the villa for longer, it would be a real asset for the villa. If not, I hope that they occasionally drop by.

In any case it's good that they have guests like them in the villa. Especially for Milka. Like most people she is not a loner type, and alone in the villa she offent seems unhappy. But, with kind people around, she shows why she is a win for villa, too. So sympathetic and joyful. Really nice to see her so.

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Maybe not so nice for all, but here my thoughts:

This girl or couple can be a new start for the villa, back to the roots.  Finally, after two months boring time with the two girls the new girl can bring new life to the villa being worth to watch.

Lilu is on the jump to leave, just using the villa as residence. Such a flat is in Moscow very expensive, especially when you are from far away anywhere in deep Russia.

Milka´s time has also come, because just to be present, sleeping 12 hours in average and for the rest of day looking to the mobile. She did a good job, but that´s it.

Both girls without boys, without any sex in this age is not voyeur villa like.

So, when in one or two weeks the two girls have left, there will be space for a second couple, just like with the start of the villa 3 months ago.

And then we can expect the longtime ago announced additional apartments, hopefully.

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