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New Girl Milana

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Guest bobbyjoe

coco is a prostitute in barcelona like many others russians or ukrainiens girls,

she find the guys on the web and go fuck  for money

I don't believe that. If that is your opinion, please say so. Don't state it as a fact. Thanks.

I do believe you that many other girls in Barcelona are prostitutes. It is a prime tourist location and I would be very surprised if it were not true.

you wrong,there is many prostitution in barcelona and in spain generaly after j respect your opinion
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If these aren't "working girls" they must have a Money Tree planted on the balcony!

I think RLC is paying quite a hefty allowance so I would be surprised if they were "working girls".. I think they enjoy this as much as they can during their one month stay and RLC is giving them money. Do you think they come only for free rent? I dont think so.. :)

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well if Coco is a prostitute then I take back everything I've said about ever wanting to be with her!

Too late you already said you'll take Coco,so you're stuck with her,I'm keeping Milana ......well, at least until she does something suspicious too anyway ;D ;D

Fuck it, I give!  She has me wrapped around her little finger!  You keep Milana and I'll take Coco without hesitation!!

You must like a bigger gal huh.

I like them a little more petite, plus I think Milana has much prettier face than Coco

To be honest I like all women and have dated many different types of women that have had many different types of bodies but the end result is always the same!  What I mean by the same is that I absolutely loved caressing each and every one of them and the little subtleties they all brought to the bedroom.  i dated a very petite and skinny nymphomaniac in high school, to a pleasantly plump (and I do mean pleasant) girl in college!  The nymphomaniac lol, she quite honestly reminded me of the kind of man that just cares about getting his. The girl from college is the one girl I miss the most!  She loved to please her man and would go out of her way to do so, and was not a limp lay.  I'm not sure how many of you witnessed the night Coco had sex with the gentleman in her bedroom, but she appeared to be a limp lay that night in my opinion. Now don't get me wrong because had they been alone without cameras present I'm 100% confident that that wouldn't be the case with her!

What I love about Coco is that there would never be a dull moment around her, she would always keep the fun going from what I have observed.  Her body is thick and my favorite kind of woman is one with a thick (not fat) body (muscle tone if you will), and I wish I would have gotten a screen capture of the muscles in that girls legs yesterday!!  That girl would be like grabbing on to a bucking bronco!!  As for her facial features, they are absolutely beautiful when she is just being normal and not silly. When she is silly she knows how to hold your interest with her eyes and one of my favorite parts of a woman is her eyes. If you just take the time to watch her and I do mean watch her, you will see that she has an incredible body that exudes sexiness, at least that's what I get when I watch her!  Anyway that is just my thoughts on Coco and women in general. Thanks for listening!!

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If these aren't "working girls" they must have a Money Tree planted on the balcony!

I think RLC is paying quite a hefty allowance so I would be surprised if they were "working girls".. I think they enjoy this as much as they can during their one month stay and RLC is giving them money. Do you think they come only for free rent? I dont think so.. :)

There's no way RLC is paying these girls to live free in this apartment. These girls have a money tree on the balcony!

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coco is a prostitute in barcelona like many others russians or ukrainiens girls,

she find the guys on the web and go fuck  for money

I don't believe that. If that is your opinion, please say so. Don't state it as a fact. Thanks.

I do believe you that many other girls in Barcelona are prostitutes. It is a prime tourist location and I would be very surprised if it were not true.

you wrong,there is many prostitution in barcelona and in spain generaly after j respect your opinion

I think you may have misunderstood my reply. I DO believe that there is a lot of prostitution in Barcelona. I just don't believe that the girls in this house are prostitutes. Of course, that's only my belief. I could be wrong.

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If these aren't "working girls" they must have a Money Tree planted on the balcony!

I think RLC is paying quite a hefty allowance so I would be surprised if they were "working girls".. I think they enjoy this as much as they can during their one month stay and RLC is giving them money. Do you think they come only for free rent? I dont think so.. :)

There's no way RLC is paying these girls to live free in this apartment. These girls have a money tree on the balcony!

LOL yeah I heard money trees grow all over the region!!

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Guest Rodney_X

coco is a prostitute in barcelona like many others russians or ukrainiens girls,

she find the guys on the web and go fuck  for money

I don't believe that. If that is your opinion, please say so. Don't state it as a fact. Thanks.

I do believe you that many other girls in Barcelona are prostitutes. It is a prime tourist location and I would be very surprised if it were not true.

In 2014 there there's been a sociological study of two professors from the University of Toulouse. On the phenomenon of trafficking of Russian girls.

Many girls Russian, are installed Perpignon, who is in France a hundred Km of Barcelona.

It there's a huge traffic Visas to enter Spain.

Of traffickers, rent girls in year, the Russian Mafia, which is located in Barcelona. and from Barcelona are dispatched all over europe, prostitution, massage, etc ... streapteese

Here's another study: Prostitution, mafias à Perpignan et en Catalogne, le livre "effets-frontières


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coco is a prostitute in barcelona like many others russians or ukrainiens girls,

she find the guys on the web and go fuck  for money

I don't believe that. If that is your opinion, please say so. Don't state it as a fact. Thanks.

I do believe you that many other girls in Barcelona are prostitutes. It is a prime tourist location and I would be very surprised if it were not true.

In 2014 there there's been a sociological study of two professors from the University of Toulouse. On the phenomenon of trafficking of Russian girls.

Many girls Russian, are installed Perpignon, who is in France a hundred Km of Barcelona.

It there's a huge traffic Visas to enter Spain.

Of traffickers, rent girls in year, the Russian Mafia, which is located in Barcelona. and from Barcelona are dispatched all over europe, prostitution, massage, etc ... streapteese

Here's another study: Prostitution, mafias à Perpignan et en Catalogne, le livre "effets-frontières


oui, j'en ai déjà parlé sur cc, mais effectivement, les premiers porteurs de prostitution en europe, sont les agences de mannequins russes!!!! il existe ce que l'on appelle des "sexe tours", ou les filles partent en "voyage" dans tous les endroits du monde, sont logées, nourries et protégées, pendant un temps très court, avant une autre destination. en général, c''est 3 ou 4 jours, mais pourquoi pas 1 mois ou 2?!!pendant leurs "escapades", elles enchainent le maximum de clients, puis s'en vont vers une autre capitale mondiale!!! cela ne veut pas dire que milana ou les autres filles se prostitues, mais qu'il est possible, je dis bien "possible", qu'elles aient une activité secondaire, de celui de mannequin!!! leur train de vie incroyable et les voyages autour du monde qui ne s'arrêtent pas, peut faire penser à cela!!!! effectivement, je me pose des question sur sofie, jenny et milana!!! ??? ???

yes, I have already spoken on DC, but actually, the first prostitution carriers in Europe are Russian modeling agencies !!!! there are the so-called "sex tours" or daughters go on "vacation" in all parts of the world are housed, fed and protected for a short time before another destination. in general, it ''s 3 or 4 days, but why not one month or two? !! during their "escapades", they enchainent maximum customers, then go to another world capital !!! this does not mean that milana or the other girls prostitutes, but it is possible, I say "possible", whether a secondary activity of the dummy !!! train their incredible life and traveling around the world do not stop, can think about that !!!! actually, I ask myself questions about Sofie, jenny and milana !!! ??? ???

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As stupid as I think it is ... I will through my .02 cents in here.  It is only my opinion so no offense meant.

It would not surprise me at all that they are prostitutes.  They have no issue being naked on cam and have had sex on cam as well.  Most pure and innocent girls probably don't do that.  But I could be wrong ....

Does it really matter if they are or are not?  We are here to observe for a month or so.  We want them to be open and sexual.  Most people that will be so on camera probably will bend the rules somewhat when money comes into play.  Just saying .....

They are clearly not just people having a good time.  I am not sure about Kamila as she does not go out as much (or didn't before).  But most of the others I am skeptical about.  However it really does not matter to me - they are what they are for a month or two then someone new comes. 

I am not here to judge them - as I do not want them judging me for watching.

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As stupid as I think it is ... I will through my .02 cents in here.  It is only my opinion so no offense meant.

It would not surprise me at all that they are prostitutes.  They have no issue being naked on cam and have had sex on cam as well.  Most pure and innocent girls probably don't do that.  But I could be wrong ....

Does it really matter if they are or are not?  We are here to observe for a month or so.  We want them to be open and sexual.  Most people that will be so on camera probably will bend the rules somewhat when money comes into play.  Just saying .....

They are clearly not just people having a good time.  I am not sure about Kamila as she does not go out as much (or didn't before).  But most of the others I am skeptical about.  However it really does not matter to me - they are what they are for a month or two then someone new comes. 

I am not here to judge them - as I do not want them judging me for watching.

Very well said!

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I just want to know why they take selfies in lingerie if their not working girls?  Why would Kamila tell Coco that this older guy said to take it easy on him because he was old if their not working girls?  There are just too many things that point out that they are working girls.  The night Milana was waiting at the end of the kitchen table for Nora & Kiko to come in off the balcony so Kiko could take her into the laundry room, and the next thing you know she is getting all sexied up and out she goes.  It has got to make a person wonder in my opinion.

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