Poison24 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 AKA norafan77 I guess you don't know how to read i said Rita and Milana walk on 2 legs and both are hot and sexy and NORA walks on 4 legs and barks at the 2 sexy girls all the time and when NORA needs to pee she lifts her back leg.
SanPer58 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 Yo pienso que si cada 2 o 3 meses "expulsaran / cambiaran" a los inquilinos que menos visitas tengan ... andarían tod@s más listos. (En el caso de "NORA´s Girls" ... cada semana >:() Es lo que yo haría para incentivar que no escondan lo que al final terminamos viendo ... antes o después. ;) ;D :o 8) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) SALUDOS.
eaglewolf01 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 LOL,Thanks, That's the one I am trying and it is not working. Click on it and nothing. I'll try later. A mi siempre me funciono tanto que me cancelaron la cuenta por mas de 100 quejas y algun que otro insulto grave u do need to send it threw your email address
kooloos Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 fast shower ever j have see in this appartment,only 2 mn for milana,she hide tits and pussy for not change and stay in the left corner in the bath if she can hide in the bedroom she might think the other corner of the bath tub is not visible to the camera :o just imagine what all these girls would do if there was another camera they couldn't hide/face away from they would probably shower in bikinis
ARMY SNIPER Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 fast shower ever j have see in this appartment,only 2 mn for milana,she hide tits and pussy for not change and stay in the left corner in the bath if she can hide in the bedroom she might think the other corner of the bath tub is not visible to the camera :o just imagine what all these girls would do if there was another camera they couldn't hide/face away from they would probably shower in bikinis You can believe this or not since you mentioned it kooloos. I saw the guest of carina and sabrina the other day, she was in the shower with what looked like a bikini on.i clicked on the bathroom cam and there she was. the glass door was fogged up but you could see she had a black bikini on.don't know if she was washing suntan lotion off or what but she was sure in there. I thought to myself...Dang that sure is what you call shy to take a shower with clothes on.
kooloos Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 fast shower ever j have see in this appartment,only 2 mn for milana,she hide tits and pussy for not change and stay in the left corner in the bath if she can hide in the bedroom she might think the other corner of the bath tub is not visible to the camera :o just imagine what all these girls would do if there was another camera they couldn't hide/face away from they would probably shower in bikinis You can believe this or not since you mentioned it kooloos. I saw the guest of carina and sabrina the other day, she was in the shower with what looked like a bikini on.i clicked on the bathroom cam and there she was. the glass door was fogged up but you could see she had a black bikini on.don't know if she was washing suntan lotion off or what but she was sure in there. I thought to myself...Dang that sure is what you call shy to take a shower with clothes on. RLC made it easy for them in this flat with limited camera coverage and places to hide, especially in the shower where they will only get naked.
kooloos Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 fast shower ever j have see in this appartment,only 2 mn for milana,she hide tits and pussy for not change and stay in the left corner in the bath She takes the quickest shower because she doesn't want to lose precious time with her phone, she can't complete single task in her life without looking at the phone, how miserable is that. :o
Guest xvoyeurx Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 fast shower ever j have see in this appartment,only 2 mn for milana,she hide tits and pussy for not change and stay in the left corner in the bath She takes the quickest shower because she doesn't want to lose precious time with her phone, she can't complete single task in her life without looking at the phone, how miserable is that. :o probably but j think too she don't want stay long time nude on camera for take shower we need again waiting some weeks before she start relax with cameras,always the same scenario with new girls,j have suscribe for see zoya and nelly,not really for see this appartment
Guest Ange_Gardien Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 fast shower ever j have see in this appartment,only 2 mn for milana,she hide tits and pussy for not change and stay in the left corner in the bath She takes the quickest shower because she doesn't want to lose precious time with her phone, she can't complete single task in her life without looking at the phone, how miserable is that. :o probably but j think too she don't want stay long time nude on camera for take shower we need again waiting some weeks before she start relax with cameras,always the same scenario with new girls,j have suscribe for see zoya and nelly,not really for see this appartment Si Rita la laisse tranquille, elle lui prendra sa place de star
seb38240 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 two fucking whore who play with us iam fucking fed up to all this girls not natural superficial
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