hiddenwood7468 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 Estos últimos cinco post son los que definen con mayor precisión lo que en en realidad ocurre, la raíz de la disconformidad de muchos usuarios y los dos puntos de vista predominantes y , creo , más coherentes... These last five post are what define more precisely what that actually the root of the dissatisfaction of many users and the two prevailing views occurs and, I think , more consistent ...
ali123 Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 not only sex but just normal people see you smile Normal people see you smile talk not two girls say to you and said something else behind it say something else I'd like something people
American_Me Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 I have engaged in swinger clubs and Voyeurism its where people are living there normal life regarding if there's a camera there or not. what this apartment is doing isnt voyeur its rehearsed, damn near scripted. I understand what some of the people in the comments are saying and complaining about.. If you paying for a site that specifically based on Voyeur then they should get what they paid for not just sex and what have you, but normal behavior, RLC should do a better job in interviewing tenants and letting them know the true meaning on what Voyeur is. if you camera shy then this isnt for you....If you go to a swinger club there's a huge sign that says if nudity or Voyeur sex bother you the this is not the place for you...and for someone to say don't do this and that and give the individual rules regarding the camera takes the meaning out of the definition of Voyeurism.
KarenKraft Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 Meh. Some people can deal with paying for what they get; some like to get what they paid for. Very commendable and just. Other people, and I think we all know who they are, feel ENTITLED for much more, and they get what they want in life by whining and bitching about unfairness. To them I say this: That's why we each have a choice. Web site not doing what you like? The solution is to leave the web site and select one that is more to your liking. Those of you who find yourself members of that certain angry breed, amongst the perpetually aggrieved, do not get to insist that others hot-to. You don't like Pepsi, buy a Coke. Don't write to Pepsi and tell them how to fix the formula. Or, more appropriately, INSIST that Pepsi change its ways in the interest of FAIRNESS. Life is not fair. It has never been fair; it's not fair now, and it is unlikely to be fair in the future. That's no reason to burn down the drug store -- so to speak.
Gudari Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 11:22 PM, KarenKraft said: Meh. Some people can deal with paying for what they get; some like to get what they paid for. Very commendable and just. Other people, and I think we all know who they are, feel ENTITLED for much more, and they get what they want in life by whining and bitching about unfairness. To them I say this: That's why we each have a choice. Web site not doing what you like? The solution is to leave the web site and select one that is more to your liking. Those of you who find yourself members of that certain angry breed, amongst the perpetually aggrieved, do not get to insist that others hot-to. You don't like Pepsi, buy a Coke. Don't write to Pepsi and tell them how to fix the formula. Or, more appropriately, INSIST that Pepsi change its ways in the interest of FAIRNESS. Life is not fair. It has never been fair; it's not fair now, and it is unlikely to be fair in the future. That's no reason to burn down the drug store -- so to speak. Usted acaba de descubrir el mundo! Su mundo seguramente. Conformista por desgracía.
American_Me Posted May 19, 2015 Posted May 19, 2015 I wouldn't say it's complaining or Bitching...you have to realize that people are paying their hard earned money.. anyone who purchase and pay for a product from a company in which this product suppose to work a certain way as advertised but it doesn't for what ever reason the consumer has a right to complain or demand a refund (not saying a refund is in order regarding this site,) but they do have a right to put in their complaints/ grievance if they chose not to then they just have to live with it and take it as a lost or a future lesson...
LongDuckDong Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 11:22 PM, KarenKraft said: Meh. Some people can deal with paying for what they get; some like to get what they paid for. Very commendable and just. Other people, and I think we all know who they are, feel ENTITLED for much more, and they get what they want in life by whining and bitching about unfairness. To them I say this: That's why we each have a choice. Web site not doing what you like? The solution is to leave the web site and select one that is more to your liking. Those of you who find yourself members of that certain angry breed, amongst the perpetually aggrieved, do not get to insist that others hot-to. You don't like Pepsi, buy a Coke. Don't write to Pepsi and tell them how to fix the formula. Or, more appropriately, INSIST that Pepsi change its ways in the interest of FAIRNESS. Life is not fair. It has never been fair; it's not fair now, and it is unlikely to be fair in the future. That's no reason to burn down the drug store -- so to speak. My complaint is this, if you are going to call the site REAL LIFE then let the site be REAL LIFE!! Karen, when you go into the bathroom to shower do you hide in a corner to remove your clothes....I don't think so! When you change your clothes for bedtime due you hide behind closet doors...I don't think so. It is supposed to be a REAL LIFE, voyeur site and it's not! I can complain because I have cancelled my membership with RLC due to them not delivering what they claim.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 I will explain: RLC has been very tolerant of CamCaps thus far. Complain to RLC in an effective, civilized manner. Organizing a "click raid" or more serious raid on RLC would not please RLC. That would be bad for CamCaps. We want RLC to tolerate us, even though many of our members are bitchy, whining, sex-crazed adolescents who are incapable of treating RLC tenants with basic human respect. Hopefully, this will translate: Lo explicaré: RLC ha sido muy tolerante con CamCaps hasta el momento. Quejarse de RLC de una manera eficaz, civilizado. La organización de un "clic raid" o banda más grave en RLC no me complacer RLC. Eso sería malo para CamCaps. Queremos RLC nos tolera, a pesar de que muchos de nuestros miembros son perra, gimoteo, los adolescentes de sexo-enloquecido que son incapaces de tratar a los inquilinos de RLC con respeto humano básico.
Gudari Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 On 5/20/2015 at 1:02 AM, Foamy T. Squirrel said: I will explain: RLC has been very tolerant of CamCaps thus far. Organizing a "click raid" or more serious raid on RLC would not please RLC. That would be bad for CamCaps. We want RLC to tolerate us, even though many of our members are bitchy, whining, sex-crazed adolescents who are incapable of treating RLC tenants with basic human respect. Hopefully, this will translate: Lo explicaré: RLC ha sido muy tolerante con CamCaps hasta el momento. La organización de un "clic raid" o banda más grave en RLC no me complacer RLC. Eso sería malo para CamCaps. Queremos RLC nos tolera, a pesar de que muchos de nuestros miembros son perra, gimoteo, los adolescentes de sexo-enloquecido que son incapaces de tratar a los inquilinos de RLC con respeto humano básico. Lo siento, no lloriqueo, pero esta vez no estoy de acuerdo con usted, si RLC sobrevive es gracias a sus suscriptores y en gran medida a camcaps. Ellos nos deberían estar agradecidos por existir. En lo que estoy de acuerdo es el respeto hacía los inquilinos, me refiero a no insultos...pero si podemos reprochar sus comportamientos, aunque todos sabemos que esto es solamente culpa de RLC.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 Neither I, nor CC County Sheriff, or Admin want Internet raids organized through CamCaps. All members are free to complain about RLC all they want. We believe in Freedom of Speech. Just no raids, please. --- Ni yo, ni el alguacil del condado CC o administración quiero redadas organizadas a través de Internet CamCaps. Todos los miembros son libres para quejarse de RLC todo lo que quieran. Creemos en la libertad de expresión. Simplemente no hay redadas, por favor.
Kida Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 10:25 PM, bookmaster8 said: Quote Quote sorry to give my opinion, but rlc is not a site dedicated to porn and sex! It is a site that allows to watch people in their daily lives, and this may include nudity and sex, but is not compulsory... even if it is sometimes frustrating, girls do not have the obligation to show their pussy at all times! at the risk of surprise a few, nudity interests me, but the rest also! nora apartment is special, because they are daughters of passage... we ask them more, but they have no obligations! ;) I agree corboblanc, but what frustrates a lot of people is not that they don't have sex, but that they intentionally hide from the cameras. It is either "real life cam" or it's not; RLC can't have it both ways. If the tenants are intentionally hiding, then RLC is not living up to their side of the bargain, which is what they self-describe as a real life voyeur site. I completely agree. I don't need anybody to have more sex or put on any kind of nudity *show", but I really dislike seeing the girls intentionally hiding when changing and showering. It is like a slap in the face to paying members and it is not normal or "real" people behavior in any way, shape or form. Most agreeable... Just think about it, if the girls (and guys (Demid) ).. where not aware of the cams, that they where in fact hidden, would any one of them actually shower in those positions they do now or act the way they do... Don't know if anyone has noticed, but i have seen especially Milena staring right at the camera before turning away from it, to do something.. Maya and Nelly, often looks at the camera too, and actually shows themselves (bless them!! )..
LongDuckDong Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 Like I said in another post, they stare at them as if they are going to move or not be there the next time they look. It is quite damn funny to me! That reminds me of the blond that kept shoving money into the coke machine, and when asked what she was doing, she simply replied....WINNING!
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