Guest AKA:norafan77 Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Milana and Nora getting ready to go out together, Rita is left at home ( hmmmm and maybe feeling the cold ) and getting a taste of what that feels like ! However, in the interests of the avid viewer....Nora and Milana's budding relationship gives us a chance of hope.......could this be the one, the night ? Nora nearly cracked it with Kamila, and so.........well a guy can wish. Can't he ? Hope I can stay awake till they get back.
corboblanc Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ???
Gudari Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ??? Imagination has no limits Corboblanc... we can dream !
LongDuckDong Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Milana and Nora getting ready to go out together, Rita is left at home ( hmmmm and maybe feeling the cold ) and getting a taste of what that feels like ! However, in the interests of the avid viewer....Nora and Milana's budding relationship gives us a chance of hope.......could this be the one, the night ? Nora nearly cracked it with Kamila, and so.........well a guy can wish. Can't he ? Hope I can stay awake till they get back. I'm not going to lie, I would love to see them get together! If it happens it would be great and if it doesn't...oh well, the anticipation is something of it's own!!
botika216 Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ??? Recuerdo cuando entraron las chicas por primera vez en este apartamento y en la misma habitacion Lilu y Sophie, rapidamente la imaginacion se disparo.Aqui vamos muy deprisa creo yo.
Guest AKA:norafan77 Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ??? You have trouble understanding. Well Grasshopper, this is a VOYEUR site ! Looking, wishing and hoping are the staple diet. It's what keeps one going amidst all the hiding from cams, looking at phones, sleeping and more sleeping....and did I mention LOOKING AT PHONES !!!!
corboblanc Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ??? You have trouble understanding. Well Grasshopper, this is a VOYEUR site ! Looking, wishing and hoping are the staple diet. It's what keeps one going amidst all the hiding from cams, looking at phones, sleeping and more sleeping....and did I mention LOOKING AT PHONES !!!! expectancy is suitable for beginners, who don't know much about the characters of the novel! my hope to me, is that they bring back guys, not that they are lesbians together! :(
Gudari Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ??? You have trouble understanding. Well Grasshopper, this is a VOYEUR site ! Looking, wishing and hoping are the staple diet. It's what keeps one going amidst all the hiding from cams, looking at phones, sleeping and more sleeping....and did I mention LOOKING AT PHONES !!!! expectancy is suitable for beginners, who don't know much about the characters of the novel! my hope to me, is that they bring back guys, not that they are lesbians together! :( Or that Rita has not come because it is waiting for some guy to fuck him in the apartment, although I think it's unlikely too.
botika216 Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ??? You have trouble understanding. Well Grasshopper, this is a VOYEUR site ! Looking, wishing and hoping are the staple diet. It's what keeps one going amidst all the hiding from cams, looking at phones, sleeping and more sleeping....and did I mention LOOKING AT PHONES !!!! Empiezas bien novato
botika216 Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Sorry, but I have trouble understanding why whenever some here see 2 girls together, they think they will have lesbian sex?! :o :-\ ??? You have trouble understanding. Well Grasshopper, this is a VOYEUR site ! Looking, wishing and hoping are the staple diet. It's what keeps one going amidst all the hiding from cams, looking at phones, sleeping and more sleeping....and did I mention LOOKING AT PHONES !!!! expectancy is suitable for beginners, who don't know much about the characters of the novel! my hope to me, is that they bring back guys, not that they are lesbians together! :( Or that Rita has not come because it is waiting for some guy to fuck him in the apartment, although I think it's unlikely too. ;) ;)Te entiendo Kolega, son horas para soñar
bookmaster8 Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 Listen guys. I love you all and the interaction we have on here is fun even though some imaginations are more creative than others. ;D But, ... Why does everyone seem to have such short memories on here? Did we forget that Milana is playing both sides of the street? She is trying to be a "friend" to both Rita and Nora. One night she stays pretty much with Rita, the next night she stays with Nora and then the cycle repeats. Neither Rita nor Nora seem to have a problem with this. Milana likes Rita but realizes that she will probably be leaving next week (60 days will be up) and she (Milana) will probably be there for at least another 3 weeks (if on a 30 day contract or longer if she is on a 60 day Visa/contract). So, it makes sense that Milana wants to make sure that Nora doesn't think that she (Milana) does not like her. The nights that Milana was pretty much with Rita, Nora seemed to be ok with it. The next night Milana went out with Nora and Rita seemed to be ok with that. Since Rita and Nora seemingly dislike each so much, it makes sense that Milana must try to be a "peace maker" of sorts and she seems to be doing it quite well. She is a "player" and knows how to act in ways that keep her in a good position with everyone. I willl be very surprised if Rita and Milana are not acting like friends again tomorrow. Rita doesn't have any sexual interest in Milana, so it's no big deal if she spends the evening with someone else. I also will be very pleasantly surprised if Milana and Nora have some kind of girl-girl action in the future. I'd certainly like to see that just like everybody else. That's one of the reasons I became a member of the site. But, at this time, I don't believe they will have a sexual relationship. Nora is currently married apparently to Kiko. I don't know what kind of "faithfulness" agreement the 2 of them have. So, who knows? If Kiko is ok with it and Nora wants it and Milana wants it, then we're in for some fun! But, I don't believe we'll be that lucky. :D So, the bottom line seems to be that Rita will be leaving in the next week or so, Milana will be staying another 3 weeks or more and, hopefully, a new girl will arrive when Rita leaves. All of this will happen because that's the way this apartment has been running. Let's hope the new girl brings some new spark to the house! Anyway, I don't believe there is any battle between Rita and Nora over Milana. I don't think either one is looking for a sexual relationship with her and, therefore, I think that everything is probably going the best way it can to allow Rita and Nora to get through the next week without fighting all the time. All of the different scenarios that people are putting forth may be fun to explore, but they are, in all probability, simply the result of very vivid imaginations. That's my opinion. But, I could be wrong! ;D ;D ;D
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