slider_69 Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 Well, we seem to be having some major discussions on here as to whether or not these girls are actually working prostitutes. If they are working girls, they do not seem to get a lot of business and since most of them masturbate almost daily, they apparently are not sexually satisfied by their jobs . I believe that they are just paid attractions set up by RLC to bring in more subscribers. Their existence create a reason to watch RLC just like a soap opera ! As for the new apartment, it is listed under GMT+1 and therefore must be located in the Canary Islands, the only area between England (GMT) and Spain (GMT +2) . The USA Denver connection to this project is BS........this is a European run operation.
yadevol Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 Currently england is on GMT+1 (summer time) and so is portugal since Joao is a portugese name I would suggest that the appartment is somewhere in portugal. BTW the canaries (spanish) are also on GMT+1 at the moment.
slider_69 Posted July 17, 2015 Author Posted July 17, 2015 Sounds reasonable.........but I thought that all the EU countries recently agreed to be in the same time zone. Did Portugal not agree to be under the EURO standard ?
botika216 Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 >:( >:( >:( Well, we seem to be having some major discussions on here as to whether or not these girls are actually working prostitutes. If they are working girls, they do not seem to get a lot of business and since most of them masturbate almost daily, they apparently are not sexually satisfied by their jobs . I believe that they are just paid attractions set up by RLC to bring in more subscribers. Their existence create a reason to watch RLC just like a soap opera ! As for the new apartment, it is listed under GMT+1 and therefore must be located in the Canary Islands, the only area between England (GMT) and Spain (GMT +2) . The USA Denver connection to this project is BS........this is a European run operation. >:( >:( >:( Estas 2 son mas putas que una gallina, comente tiempo atras que el apartamento solo lo utilizan para comer, aseo y relajarse, para FOLLAR ya lo hacen fuera y nosotros ( abonados ) les estamos costeando esta falsa " vida real 24/24".Todavia habra algun payaso que no quiera abrir los ojos y ver que estas 2 lo que estan haciendo es reirse de los abonados que le estamos pagando la "estancia".FUERA YA ESTOS DOS PUTONES
botika216 Posted July 17, 2015 Posted July 17, 2015 Well, we seem to be having some major discussions on here as to whether or not these girls are actually working prostitutes. If they are working girls, they do not seem to get a lot of business and since most of them masturbate almost daily, they apparently are not sexually satisfied by their jobs . I believe that they are just paid attractions set up by RLC to bring in more subscribers. Their existence create a reason to watch RLC just like a soap opera ! As for the new apartment, it is listed under GMT+1 and therefore must be located in the Canary Islands, the only area between England (GMT) and Spain (GMT +2) . The USA Denver connection to this project is BS........this is a European run operation. ;) ;) ;)Compañero creo que ese no es el titular correcto, yo creo que este le pega mejor.La farsa, estafa,reirse de los abonados y el paripe de estos 2 putones verbeneros creo que seria el correcto. PD.Perdon para todos aquellos que tengan que utilizar traductor, pero bueno, los mios me entederan
StnCld316 Posted July 18, 2015 Posted July 18, 2015 Well, we seem to be having some major discussions on here as to whether or not these girls are actually working prostitutes. If they are working girls, they do not seem to get a lot of business and since most of them masturbate almost daily, they apparently are not sexually satisfied by their jobs . I believe that they are just paid attractions set up by RLC to bring in more subscribers. Their existence create a reason to watch RLC just like a soap opera ! As for the new apartment, it is listed under GMT+1 and therefore must be located in the Canary Islands, the only area between England (GMT) and Spain (GMT +2) . The USA Denver connection to this project is BS........this is a European run operation. Actually RLC is run by TECH FASHION INC. Jordans (Caribbean) Limited Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive PO Box 3469, Road Town Tortola British Virgin Islands The spear chuckers have taken over.
Chloe K Posted July 18, 2015 Posted July 18, 2015 Okay this is your answer....they are exotic dancers.... they found out about it the apartment ? Nora most likely by some sort of dance association or fitness club....they all have dancers legs....and if you ever see them dancing like one of them did today...those are all stripper moves....Very few women like your girlfriends or sisters, do not dance like strippers. They are not prostitutes...but I would classify them as sluts. FYI Exotic dancers often travel between clubs owned by the same person or company.....that is why so many come and go and why some of them come back to this apartment....the ones who stay are making the club the most money....Nora was a dancer of some sort and because of that she may have met one of them some where as I said above......All dancers practice and take lessons even if they are experienced. They also stay in condition by exercise and YOGA...that's your final answer....move on and enjoy the not reply to this message or take it is closed jury is dismissed.
Chloe K Posted July 19, 2015 Posted July 19, 2015 check it out maybe the owners also
tripod2 Posted July 19, 2015 Posted July 19, 2015 I can tell you that there are very few strip clubs in Spain that do not have bedrooms in the back or in the upper level where the dancers take the customers. They are nothing like strip clubs in the US, more like strip clubs in Montreal. If they are strippers, they are likely more than that. PS: Kamila is fucking hot.
juanmanuel Posted July 19, 2015 Posted July 19, 2015 este apartamento se encuentra en barcelona españa en una zona muy esclusiva .No esta ni en portugal ni en inglaterra como decis algunos hablar con sentido comuny si no lo sabeis no deciri nada para no comfundir al personalok? This apartment is located in Barcelona Spain in a very esclusiva .No this area or in Portugal or in England as you say some talk sense comuny if you do not you know anything deciri not comfundir not to personalok?
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