Daryalok Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 It seems the apartment has been taken offline.. And that RLC has really done something about it.. I truly hope this is the case and that Yarik is beeing read his rights.. Hey Yarik! Have fun playing "Pick up that soap, boy!" in prison!!!
Guest bobbyjoe Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 j just want say: finaly too many dissapointment with the recent new appartments
Baker48 Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 Bravo RLC! Seems as if they listened to their subscribers. I do hope they turned the info over to the authorities, though they will need her to press charges if their laws are are similar to ours.
news49 Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 Perso je pense que dans quelques jours ils reviennent
fredrik29 Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 They probably dont do anything more than take it offline and give him some time to move out, he probably still sit there with his buddys. I really doubt rlc turn his ass in to the police.
corboblanc Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 rlc aurait donc une morale???!!!! rlc therefore have a moral ??? !!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ;)
ARMY SNIPER Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 I say put the apartment back online and give it back to taya and run yarik's ass off with the rest of his buddies,but then again the memories for her may be too painful to come back this soon. :(
news49 Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 rlc aurait donc une morale???!!!! rlc therefore have a moral ??? !!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ;) Non, abuse pas non plus ;D Surtout une question de pognons, ils savent que s'il continue il y aura de plus en plus de monde qui pourraient annuler leurs abo donc ils coupent quelques jours histoire que l'histoire ce calme ou le temps de mettre un autre couple
corboblanc Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 rlc aurait donc une morale???!!!! rlc therefore have a moral ??? !!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ;) Non, abuse pas non plus ;D Surtout une question de pognons, ils savent que s'il continue il y aura de plus en plus de monde qui pourraient annuler leurs abo donc ils coupent quelques jours histoire que l'histoire ce calme ou le temps de mettre un autre couple tu as raison!!! j'ai cru en "l'homme" pendant un instant!!!! mais tu m'a fait revenir sur terre!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)
kooloos Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 rlc aurait donc une morale???!!!! rlc therefore have a moral ??? !!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ;) Moral? I don't think so, LEV beat shit out of Zoya in drunken madness and nothing was done they'll only go off-line once one of the partners leave the apt which what happened here. KATYA aka TAYA left, RLC had no choice but to shut it down.
corboblanc Posted July 21, 2015 Posted July 21, 2015 rlc aurait donc une morale???!!!! rlc therefore have a moral ??? !!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o ;) Moral? I don't think so, LEV beat shit out of Zoya in drunken madness and nothing was done they'll only go off-line once one of the partners leave the apt which what happened here. KATYA aka TAYA left, RLC had no choice but to shut it down. je ne pense pas que rlc attende que le mec parte!!! sinon ils en ont pour des années!!!!! un appartement de rêve pour un clochard qui vit habituellement dans une chambre de bonnes???!!!! le mec n'est pas pressé de partir, crois moi!!! il faut simplement comprendre que rlc vend du rêve, et que les logements des jeunes russes n'ont rien à voir avec cela!!! j'ai des videos et photos des véritables appartements de diana, de angela, et de la plupart des autres participantes russes, et je te le dis, cela fait peur!!!!! I do not think rlc wait for the guy to leave !!! otherwise they have for years !!!!! a dream apartment for a tramp who usually lives in a maid room ??? !!!! the guy is in no hurry to leave, believe me !!! you just have to understand that rlc sells dreams, and that housing young Russians have nothing to do with it !!! I have videos and photos of real apartments of diana, angela, and most other Russian participants, and I tell you, it's scary !!!!! :( :( :( :(
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