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Where are XXXXXX and YYYYYY - what are they doing?

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I thought to be a little ahead of time and start a new topic for the new girls, before the discussion of new girls begins under the old topic. This is because the discussion of Kamila and Kristy will certainly continue in the old thread. In addition, it is already 162 pages long.

I'll replace XXXXXX and YYYYYY of the new girls' names later. Perhaps happyone can change the title of an old topic, if this is a good idea?

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I thought to be a little ahead of time and start a new topic for the new girls, before the discussion of new girls begins under the old topic. This is because the discussion of Kamila and Kristy will certainly continue in the old thread. In addition, it is already 162 pages long.

I'll replace XXXXXX and YYYYYY of the new girls' names later. Perhaps happyone can change the title of an old topic, if this is a good idea?

cher ami, laissez nous encore pleurer un peu, avant de passer à autre chose!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

dear friend, let us even cry a little, before moving on to something else !!!!! ; D; D; D

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Was it just cleaning break, everything is clean? It lasted exactly as long as it has lasted earlier when new girl has arrived. What if there has been new girls, and they are going to fake, and show when they arrive? I know i'm optimist  ;D

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Nora is  just walking around nude. Maybe a new concept. Nora nude, masterbating and one night stands.

edit: Nora is in the bathroom and her name was just removed from the apartment list but the cams are still on.  Nevermind. Nora's name is back after I refreshed. I must have caught it in transition.

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