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Double Standards


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I landed on this thread to see what it was about. And I have no idea. 

I have read the posts - as painful as some are - and I still have no idea what this tread is about.  Other than the post from TGB 150 (which I think is spot on - if this is what the topic was/is) earlier here, I can not find anything else about this topic that makes sense to someone just looking at it.

Sort of funny actually.

Sorry to interrupt - carry on ......

Like you, I came into this thread late and have read all the posts.  But I figured out real quick...actually by reading the first post...what it's all about:

The OP wants to whine and cry.  Plain and simple.  It's pretty much all a bunch of    :BS:

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It's been levelled at me a few times that I go whining to the mods but that is something I have never done.

Fuck's sake, we have a new Woodworker. Why are you commenting on a thread that has nothing to do with you?

3) No stalking, harassing Let's see if that rule is enforced then.

Why are you commenting on this necro thread, like you're desperate to rekindle something you think you may have lost last time? It definitely has something to do with the irrelevant juvenile bullshit you were posting on the Syrian thread - you're just out to wind me up, plain and simple. Good luck with that you sad little man.

Not interested JoJoGunne. Pick a subject on "Worldwide Political Discussions", anything you like, start a new thread in this proper section and I'll show you just how thick, irrelevant and juvenile you are - again.

Or, just reply to this thread with some personal bullshit and prove to everyone that the above is true without stepping out of your comfort zone of stupidity.

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It's been levelled at me a few times that I go whining to the mods but that is something I have never done.

Fuck's sake, we have a new Woodworker. Why are you commenting on a thread that has nothing to do with you?

3) No stalking, harassing Let's see if that rule is enforced then.

Why are you commenting on this necro thread, like you're desperate to rekindle something you think you may have lost last time? It definitely has something to do with the irrelevant juvenile bullshit you were posting on the Syrian thread - you're just out to wind me up, plain and simple. Good luck with that you sad little man.

Not interested JoJoGunne. Pick a subject on "Worldwide Political Discussions", anything you like, start a new thread in this proper section and I'll show you just how thick, irrelevant and juvenile you are - again.

Or, just reply to this thread with some personal bullshit and prove to everyone that the above is true without stepping out of your comfort zone of stupidity.


Dude...don't get your panties in a twist.  Heck, I wasn't even talking to you.

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Stop being ridiculous and showing yourself up for the fool that you are.

You commented about me on a dead thread created by me, of course you were (pathetically and indirectly) talking to me.


Poor boy...

You think it's all about you.

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Poor boy...

You think it's all about you.

In a thread that I created to chastise the mods for their previous preferential application of their own rules towards me and the people I've disagreed with - that has not mentioned you in anyway?

You have literally no idea how stupid the things you write are, do you?!

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A thread that I created to chastise the mods for their previous preferential application of their own rules towards me?

The thing is you have literally no idea how stupid the things you write are, do you?!

Silence ................................................. His answer ....

:doh: :doh: :doh:

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Silence ................................................. His answer ....

:doh: :doh: :doh:

I didn't resurrect this thread from months ago but yeah, if I'm reading you correctly, I should just answer him with the silence he  deserves.


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Guest TxFeller

So, you American Liberals that want to give up your rights and freedoms

I can't imagine for a second what liberals you have been talking to that want to lose any rights or freedoms. I am not a liberal. I don't see that as the profane word the right-wing extremists want it to appear to be. However, I am MOSTLY liberal. I am more of a progressive on most issues than those who identify as a Democrat. First of all, I see no solution whatsoever to the issue of gun violence. I don't agree that the Constitution guaranteed every citizen the right to own guns, except in the case of "well-regulated militias". As far as I am concerned that falls under the heading of national guard troops, though today they don't have to buy their own rifles. However, the NRA's argument that mental health laws should be strengthened aren't even worth the air required to speak the words. Anyone who has no criminal background or history of mental health issues can go buy all the guns and ammo they want, but 6 months later go stark raving nutzoid and shoot up their entire neighborhood. If that person was a loner and lived alone, there would be no one to warn the authorities he might be ready to blow, so mental health laws wouldn't do a damned thing to stop him. On the other hand, hunting is a long tradition in many families and serves to bond family members and create lasting, loving memories. This should not be curtailed. And I, for one, am not willing to see the all-out civil war that would ensue over the government trying to collect unregistered weapons or force registration of the already existing weapons. And banning the manufacture of weapons in this country would only give the criminal cartels one more black market item to add to their litany of enterprises.

There's no winning argument when it comes to gun rights. Period. I don't care what side you're on. Evidently, events like Sandy Hook are just going to have to be accepted as the new normal.

As for other rights, how is it the states get to decide which citizen can and which cannot vote if voting is supposed to be a RIGHT?? A right cannot be curtailed or taken away. It is a RIGHT. On the other hand, privileges CAN be taken away. I doubt we will ever have a SCOTUS that decides voting is a privilege versus being a right. Even criminals serving time should still have the RIGHT to vote since rights can never be revoked. There should be one requirement and one requirement only when it comes to voting: be a citizen. Every citizen should be issued, free of charge, a voter ID, even if it means going door to door for those who are shut-ins, and anyone needing help in getting documentation to prove their citizenship should get it without hesitation, red tape, cost or other barriers.

More rights: freedom FROM religion that so many want to impose on others, shoving it down your throat and into your bedroom. We don't need a constitution to tell us we have this freedom. GOD gave it to us by not creating us as a race of robots who never cease praising Him.

How about the basic human right of deciding for yourself how many children you want and can afford to feed, clothe, educate and house? There can hardly be a more basic right than this, but all the rah-rah "patriots" think we shouldn't have such a right. It would seem they think sex without consequences to be paid is the ultimate evil. :yikes:

How about having clean air to breathe, clean water to drink and foods free from unnatural chemicals to eat? How about leaving us a world we and our descendants can live on? These should be rights, too, if they're not already considered so.

Many of the delegates at the constitutional convention did not want a "Bill of Rights" because they knew we would have far too many numbskulls who would declare that since the right to X isn't specifically listed in the BoR, it's not a right. Well, they were correct. Exceedingly so.


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Hunting is a common pastime in Australia. There are plenty of species suitable for the dinner table as well as plague proportions of feral, introduced species that need culling, to keep all hunters amused and occupied twelve months of the year. What Australia has accepted though is that genuine hunters don't require assault rifles, military style semi-automatic weapons, not necessary for hunting purposes.

I am however, not against owning weapons. On the contrary, I own a number including a couple of pistols. Again, Australia's gun laws do require membership of pistol clubs to justify the need to own a pistol, with mandatory membership timeframes before becoming eligible to purchase said weapons. Sadly, Australia is heading the same way as America, with numerous gun offences occurring and the need for some form of self defence in certain regions. I can't speak for America and how the current situations arose, chicken or the egg dilemma,  but in Australia the need for weapons is a result of too many bad guys with guns and not enough good guys with them. What was that Sean Connery movie quote, taking a knife to a gun fight.

As for the basic human right of deciding for yourself how many children you want and can afford to feed, clothe, educate and house. Awesome, don't have a problem with that. I have three kids and would do anything to support and protect them, anything. We have three because we decided that my wife would stay home to grow and nurture our kids, not farm them out to childcare and let some stranger do it. After the birth of the third, we stopped producing because I already had two jobs to support my family, there weren't enough hours in the day or days in the week, to take on a third.

What I do object to is that society expects me to contribute a portion of my hard earn wages to subsidised the lazy bludgers that can't keep their dicks in their pants, pump out children at a rate that would put rabbits to shame, knowing the social welfare system, that I subsidise, will support them. Have enough kids, you can earn well above the basic wage as well as thousands that can be conned from various programmes and charities.

So yes, there is justification for controlled breeding programmes and zero population growth in some areas. How do you think the fucking Indians and Pakistanis, as well as numerous other races, ended up with their current over population problems. Mass sterilisation is certainly required, or simply let them die off till they reach a sustainable level before we support them. Harsh, probably, tough love generally is.

In 1901, Australia introduced what was basically a white Australia policy. Worked fine until the last vestiges were removed in the late 60s and early 70s. When we had a predominantly white population, with basic Christian values and a Christian work ethic, we didn't have anywhere near the problems we have now. A classic example, it might only be the minority of muslims that cause the problems, with the majority remaining silent. But if we didn't have any muslims we wouldn't have a problem at all. We are also allowing other ethnic groups into the country, that don't integrate, particularly from some of the overpopulated black nations. We have enough to contend with our own blacks without importing more.

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What Assault rifles do you speak of?  military assault rifles are not available to the general public (in the U.S. you have to have a class 3 FFL license) I shoot both actually, As a Member of the "well-regulated militia.  My National Guard "assault" rifle has this little setting that lets you shoot more than one bullet with a single squeeze of the trigger.  My personal weapon is a semi-auto AR-10 not an assault weapon as I have to squeeze the trigger for each round to go off. just like any semi-auto pistol.  Now as to gun rights I am going to post a little video that goes over some of the statistics of gun deaths here in the U.S.

What proves that taking guns out of my hands or my neighbors hands is going to reduce the rate of gun violence when every swinging dick in a gang can get there hands on guns through the blackmarket (mostly the cartels in mexico). 

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