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Linked, my mistake, that should have read semi-automatic, which I have now corrected, and I was referring to Australia.

I think you know enough about me to know I support gun ownership, I said as much in that post. I have pers weapons, for hunting AND self defence for exactly the same reasons you quote. Sadly the Army won't let me store my Steyr at home. I used to have a Valmet Hunter in a .243 with a Bushnell scope, similar to picture, but had to hand it in during the compulsory buy-back. Awesome piece of kit, 1985 vintage, never let me down for close range work in the scrub. Got a couple of hundred bucks for a wpn worth more like 5k.


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Guest tx, I like what you have to say. I am also a progressive. And I like the way you say it, no insulting or name calling.

And btw, almost all legal scholars agree that the clear reading of the Second Amendment shows that the only right to bear arms were by a militia. Are you all militias? End of story. However, unlike my progressive sons, I do support a limited right to have a handgun in your home (or when warranted in your place of business) for protection only. Actually the funny thing is that the conservative (up till now) Supreme Court said exactly this a few years ago. And recent cases involving laws in Chicago and elsewhere where semi automatics or assault rifles were banned which were upheld on appeal were denied certiorari by the Supreme Court. That means, gentlemen, that legally we do not have a right to own a semi automatic or assault rifle. Well, at least in jurisdictions that have banned them. You know that is how we came to the point that the US Supreme Court has knocked down all  laws restricting gay marriage. One by one jurisdictions or Federal courts will strike down laws permitting such guns or allowing the restriction of such ownership. Then, those other guns will be illegal,  less people will die from those guns and police won't be threatened by them. And we will be a safer society.

Now, once we overturn Citizens United, we get back our democracy from the corporations that now own it. The Republicans in the Senate have two choices, one allow a confirmation hearing of the nominee for the Supreme Court or two lose the Senate for their outrageously political cheating decision to ignore the Constitution and block even consideration of the Supreme Court. Their choice. If Democrats win back the Senate, and the Presidency, they will then use the nuclear option and appoint whatever ultra liberal nominee they want for the Supreme Court. I hope the Senate republicans are stupid enough to block the hearing. Then we win the Senate and if we win the Presidency the next Justice will be even more liberal than the current nominee. And we would probably win the Senate even if we lost the Presidency and then block any nominee by ahole Trump or Cruz. 4-4 is better than nothing. And abortion stays the law forever!

So enjoy for now conservatives!



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