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Nora's Influence


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actress !!! may be, to BAGHDAD .... one of oldest theater in Barcelona .... see google

Here's a tip for you, the cerveceria on the corner of nou de la rambla and parallel is open for most of the night. If you get there late the owner will usually let you in if you knock the shutters.  I can't remember what time the girls in Bagdad finish their shifts as I was always smashed by the time I got there, in the early hours anyway, but they usually go to the cerveceria for afterwork drinks to relax and if you're polite and not a dick you can start up regular conversations with them and maybe even get lucky (don't let on that you know their profession!)

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Guest Mr Potato Head

Last time Jenny was here she was not all that chatty with Nora or Rita.  She has always come across sort of aloof and self centered in my opinion.  The guy on the sofa night included her drinking I think so she was a little more outgoing.

Also I use Chrome and it always goes to Leora's place first - view 03_1

She seems to be on a mission of late. Just wish the pooch would take a vacation ( and I don't mean Paul )

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:yikes: This was the best most enjoyable Flat and now it is similar to Jitka and Marek's Flat RLC management failing to find good tenants are getting street walkers not worth the money. I do not mind to pay more for better quality as what we are paying now is waste of time and money.

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People think everything in life acts out like a freakin' porno...

Someone knocks on the front door

Nikki (slightly opens door of the appartement) : Can I help you?

Jenny (smiles, or tries too with all that botox) : Hi! I'm the veterinarian you called, can I check on you pussy?

Nikki : Yes! But first I need to take a shower, or eat watermelon... would you be interested?

A cliché 70's guitar riff starts along. Both girls kiss. Half of CC wakes up! Deception occurs!

Patience guys... patience!

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