Calvin2004 Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 I think someone must have crossed the line as far as Karen goes...he stormed out for some reason. Something definitely went down. Karen returned to Apt 2 because he forgot something. Unbeknownst to him, Tanya and the two other guys went to Apt 1 to prank Dizi and Azam. Karen then just sat in Apt 2 waiting for them to come back. When they did, he got something from Tanya and just left without a word. Right now Tanya seems upset and is being comforted by the Apt 2 guys, both of whom are wearing just blankets and nothing else. All three are drinking as well...this night has taken a strange turn lol.
beancounter Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 I think someone must have crossed the line as far as Karen goes...he stormed out for some reason. I told you this wasn't going to end good Karen back in apartment 1 Tanya is at apartment 2 and she is getting advise from the two porn stars. She really is a stupid bitch.
Calvin2004 Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 I told you this wasn't going to end good Karen back in apartment 1 Tanya is at apartment 2 and she is getting advise from the two porn stars. She really is a stupid bitch. It is kind of hilarious to watch her get relationship advice from two guys who spent the last two weeks fucking their roommate all day long, one of whom is wearing cat ears and a thong and the other who is completely naked except for a blanket.
beancounter Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 The Asian guy is trying to get her to stay with them tonight. Even my stupid dog know she should be in her apartment talking and kissing Karen's ass. I think she thinks these guys really care about her. They are drunk and horny they just want to fuck her. The Asian wants her however when the red head come back he will be history and the other guy wants Dizi. She will be gone within a week. These guys play at a whole different level than she can handle.
Calvin2004 Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 The Asian guy is trying to get her to stay with tem tonight. Even my stupid dog know she should be in her apartment talking and kissing Karen's ass. I think she thinks these guys really care about her. They are drunk and horny they just want to fuck her. Apparently having a super horny blonde roommate and a red headed fuck buddy/possible girlfriend isn't enough for these guys. I wonder if Karen can access the site from his computer - he could eavesdrop on the whole convo! Right now he is pouring his heart out via text to someone on the phone. Poor guy - the night started with him getting jerked off by a hot blonde in the shower and now it ends in a fight lol. Edited to add: Karen just ended the night by taking off his pants and jumping into bed with Dizi. He is currently spooning her. Right after he got into bed he took Tanya's pillow and tossed it off the bed. Drama lol. Wonder who is going to cheap on who first.
miscvoyeur Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 I just caught up with everything I missed. Sadly I don't think these two apartments will be partying together any time soon. How unfortunate because watching the two groups party and trying to anticipate who was going to hook up with who added something special to the voyeur experience. As for Tanya still in apt. 2 with Ivorian and Akira, I'd bet money she won't fuck any of them. Karen and Tanya seriously need to sort their shit out before their relationship ends. And after reading about tonight, it needs to happen fast. BTW: the word is cheat, not "cheep" Edit: I can't believe it's after 7:30 am and she's still up talking to them about nothing. I mean seriously, at this point, either fuck one of them or get the fuck out of their house and let them go to sleep. Karen is going to wake up and be pissed that she's still over there and I bet she's going to wonder why he's so angry.
beancounter Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 Karen and Dizi are having a serious conversation right now while the bitch is having fun with the two in apt 2 She lost all my respect tonight
miscvoyeur Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 Yeah I agree Tanya is fucked up for staying up there this long. Now Karen is probably thinking about that Tanya might be doing with the two. I wonder if she's staying up there just to make him jealous. Would be extra fucked up on her part if she was.
Timewarp Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 I missed all the action tonight and have no idea why I am awake at this hour. I'll say one thing, Tanya loves to talk.
miscvoyeur Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 She sure does and they both need to kick her ass out or she'll talk them to death.
Timewarp Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 I know this is apt 2 but the situations are linked atm. Dizi is up an looks like she is going somewhere with great purpose.
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