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serious incidents on RLC


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Which tells me and everyone else here that you're but a little child screaming for attention.

You really can't have a bit of fun in certain sections. I told you fellows a while back that I was not going to debate politics here and I have kept that vow. I will not debate here either and simply state my reasons.

I have never seen a debate on the issue of gun control where either position was changed at all. As a result, you will act on your beliefs and I will act just as aggressively on mine. There will be winners and losers. I accept the challenge. On this issue, the time for words has passed. 

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You really can't have a bit of fun in certain sections.

*Fun goes against the title of the thread. It begins with the word 'serious'. The shopped up picture that you posted was not at all serious.

I told you fellows a while back that I was not going to debate politics here and I have kept that vow. I will not debate here either and simply state my reasons.

*What you did by posting was not asking for a debate. And in all reality it goes against your self-declared 'vow'.

I have never seen a debate on the issue of gun control where either position was changed at all.

*And you probably never will. All that you have to do is look at the condition of the countries that have given up their rights to self protection and how their governments have total control over the populous.

As a result, you will act on your beliefs and I will act just as aggressively on mine.

*Except I'm not acting. I'm just responding to the nonsense that you posted. You feel that you have to be aggressive because it's the only way that you can get the attention that you seek. Otherwise, had you not been seeking attention, you would have never posted that garbage in the first place, to even garner a response. My mistake, instead of just removing the post, was responding to it.

There will be winners and losers. I accept the challenge. On this issue, the time for words has passed.

*Yep. The winners will be alive, their women will not be raped, their domiciles not burgled. Why? Because they had the protection afforded them under the Constitution of the United States. The losers will be huddled in a corner forced to watch the aforementioned tragedies unfold before their eyes.

You dial 911 and wait the 10-30 minutes for the police to get there. When I dial 911, I'll tell them to simply send the Medical Examiner to collect the pieces of the maggots off of the floor.

Now if you didn't want any debate or were not looking for the attention, why bother to post stupid pictures in the first place? You really do want a debate. Or you just need an outlet for your frustration.

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You know what? You are absolutely right. I apologize for posting that incendiary meme. Sometimes the desire to experience the opposing views from the right and the incredible drama that accompanies them can be invigorating with regard to one's resolve.

I shall return to my vow of silence. Have at it.

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saw this in november of last year (copy and pasted from a post i made on CC):

Lucas is a god damned pig whos idea of a healthy relationship is akin to that of a wild dogs.

I just witnessed what i could only descibe as 'marital rape'. Veronica kept pushing away, she told lucas she wasn't into it at all and lughead Lucas just does what he wants despite rejection. Half way through Lucas' brutish behaviour Veronica starts balling her eyes out. Throughout the ordeal she was kicking out with her legs and turning her face away from Lucas at every attempt by Lucas to kiss her.

Lucas pinned Veronicas arms down, ejaculated in Veronicas mouth then she spat it right back in his face.

Veronica shut herself away in the laundry den for the next 20 minutes; presumably crying or furiously guilt masterbating given that Lucas can't sex for shit.

Further down the line, pighead Lucas is trying to have his way with her again, this time when he was brushed away he fawned over Veronica like a child would to a cat who wasn't interested.

The whole ordeal was genuinely upsetting to watch.


Lucas just prepped a meal of what looked like a bowl of lucky charms, walks back into the bedroom where Veronica is resting up, humps her, she starts protesting, then he picks her up wedding threshhold style and Veronica bursts into tears again.

How does this guys tiny brain not comprehend the severity of his actions?

How in his right mind can he think that she would want to sit next to him and break bread (so to speak).


ps. i got a screencap of veronica crying during the 'is it rape/isn't it'. Is that something people might like to see?


Crisis averted on account of 1 yes and 5 nos is still a yes.

Rape makeup sex, who'd have thunk it.


Do i hear wedding bells?

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I vaguely remember Lucas and I regret that.

That entire episode with them was a waste of my temporary memory. If someone has a copy of CCleaner that I can download to my brain, please PM me with the link.

And while we're at it, left over fragments of Ruslan and Yarik are still kicking around in my cerebral cortex. I'd go for a format and re-install but that's not an option for my operating system at this time. Dammit. 

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