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Voronezh - Split 2


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Good for her. Maybe finally some sanity in this apartment. Phil didn't impress me with his leaving Nastya in the lurch. The girls took charge of the situation. Now we will see if Phil can be a man and sleep with Nastya. Even if they don't have sex tonight, don't leave her alone!

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Guest sanspseudo5999

j'ai quitté le site un moment parce-que la nouvelle fille m'agacer je comprends comprends rien du tout à toute leur histoire pourquoi nastya est dans cet état elle embrasse Phil rigolé puis pleurs et veut se battre avec la nouvelle fille maintenant

I left the site because a time - the new girl I understand annoy me understand anything in their entire history nastya is why in this state she kisses Phil laughed and crying and wants to fight the new girl now

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