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Juke Box Split #3


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Time for a new page soon.  This one hesitates for a few seconds before you can scroll down.  Must be all the videos.

Haven't noticed that at all.

I"m running at 82.5 mbps. 

What's your speed?

50MBPS.  It could be cause I use Internet Explorer.  It lags every now and then.
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Time for a new page soon.  This one hesitates for a few seconds before you can scroll down.  Must be all the videos.

Haven't noticed that at all.

I"m running at 82.5 mbps. 

What's your speed?

50MBPS.  It could be cause I use Internet Explorer.  It lags every now and then.

Yeah. Could be.  I am using Chrome for RLC and CC but IE for video linking.  No complicated reasoning going on here -- just two talk bar icons next to each other, making it easy to toggle back and forth.  I use my flat screen TV as a monitor for a dedicated media engine with lots of RAM.  That might help a bit as well, but probably not.

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Time for a new page soon.  This one hesitates for a few seconds before you can scroll down.  Must be all the videos.

Haven't noticed that at all.

I"m running at 82.5 mbps. 

What's your speed?

50MBPS.  It could be cause I use Internet Explorer.  It lags every now and then.

Yeah. Could be.  I am using Chrome for RLC and CC but IE for video linking.  No complicated reasoning going on here -- just two talk bar icons next to each other, making it easy to toggle back and forth.  I use my flat screen TV as a monitor for a dedicated media engine with lots of RAM.  That might help a bit as well, but probably not.

We're on a new page now and the scrolling is working fine for now.   

I'm going to format my hard drive on Saturday after I get it set back up I'll try a different browser for a change. Something where I can play around with the codes on certain sites. Have not been able to locate the backdoor to RLC for awhile. They changed the page on me and I have not been able to locate another.

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I use Firefox for business and non-social-media applications.  Google for email, voice, chat, etc.  I tend to search images through AltaVista.com (old and slow, but not quite as whorish as the other search engines.  I want to see what's out there, not what's paying to have me see them.

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Have you ever noticed in that movie, "Pleasantville", there wasn't one Black in it.  Not a single Travon Martin, or Michael Brown was featured in it.    It was very pleasant indeed.

But this obvious racial slight had cast the producers of that movie in a very bad light as being somewhat racist.

However there is good news, as I heard that these same producers were coming out with a sequel to that movie in the spirit of fair play, where there will be many prominent Blacks portrayed in it. 

Look for the exciting previews coming soon to a theater near you.  "Pleasantville in Flames"

I saw the preliminary screen shots, and I must warn you, it just isn't the same pleasant place as before.

For one thing, the quaint and charming soda shop had been replaced with a Seven/Eleven.  And they also did away with that beautiful park to make way for an emerging welfare building there.

And with the advent of desegregation and section eight, that once charming neighborhood with its tree lined sidewalks and beautiful houses is now spewed with empty beer bottles and trash, along with gang graffiti of every typiction.  It was so sad, as I walked out of that screening room fighting to brush away the tears in my eyes, amid the chanting chorus at the end of "Burn Baby Burn."     

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