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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #6

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            Now why can't they do the maintenance early in the morning when everybody are still asleep ?  I'm starting to think like you.

First off there is no need for this one apartment to spend the amount of time it does under maintenance.  If you know anything about electronics at all you can't dispute that!  They use the same electronic for every apartment and you vary rarely see any of them going under maintenance.  The reason it keeps happening is because you, the paying members, allow it to continuously happen!

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To be hanging around the house so that it will raise ...

On 2 occasions I've seen out of the house on 08:00, that is, if there is something good to do it early  :)

You just have to look a little, whenever something interesting happens (UNDER MAINTENANCE)so what happend the cams melted. thats the translation.

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if thats the case then we should raise hell with those fuckers.

Whether it's the case or not does not excuse the fact that it was an incredibly stupid time to put up a maintenance screen. I mean really. Given all the recent complaints about the suspicious nature of the maintenance interruptions in the past, there is absolutely NO WAY they could have thought they could get away with doing it now after the build-up of the past couple days.

They KNEW that members were hoping to see something exciting and yet they did something this stupid that was guaranteed to cause an uproar. It's one of the worst examples of site management and customer relations I have ever seen.

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    Everything seem OK between Kamila and Kristy, they may even shower together later on .  It's a shame I got banned and won't be  able to record it.

Of course it's ok, they just got done having sex!!  Did you see Kristy when she came downstairs?  She was elated!!

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