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Mods, I know the eyes of mods are upon thee, all these lived long days.  I just ask that you really look hard at what one types before you go using the Ban Hammer.  I know my opinions differ from most, but that's just what they are, opinions!  I've been banned by one of you before and I didn't like it!!  Please in the future before a ban on somebody ensues, at least send them a PM with any questions so the post can be clarified and dealt with accordingly.

Thank you for your time,


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Anyone in particular coming to mind that is bothering you? PM's are just that. PRIVATE. If they were to be public we would make them so. What's the beef?

The member is researched, posts read, then it's brought to the table. Decisions are made by all, not just one.

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Anyone in particular coming to mind that is bothering you? PM's are just that. PRIVATE. If they were to be public we would make them so. What's the beef?

The member is researched, posts read, then it's brought to the table. Decisions are made by all, not just one.

There is no beef and I know privates are private!  I never received anything worth a darn as to why I was banned and it's just been eating on me that's all.  Just making a statement about future bans on people, they have the right to know why!!

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Noted. You were set aside for a week according to the log. You could read and like posts, you could do everything but post text. I wouldn't call that a ban, just maybe and using a 21st century line, 'put in time out'.

And those that you see banned, were the result of being out and out rude to another member, spamming, or mostly failing to just not post Pay-Per-Click links.

The Mods here have a lot of eyes. We use them and appreciate the valid reports. Anyone that PM's us about a concern should know that that PM will stay only to the recipient. We don't even pass your names among ourselves, just use the topic as a general discussion to see to what level to take it.  We do our best to keep the board clean of trash. But you also have to remember that we have jobs, homes to maintain and personal relationships to maintain.


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Noted. You were set aside for a week according to the log. You could read and like posts, you could do everything but post text. I wouldn't call that a ban, just maybe and using a 21st century line, 'put in time out'.

And those that you see banned, were the result of being out and out rude to another member, spamming, or mostly failing to just not post Pay-Per-Click links.

The Mods here have a lot of eyes. We use them and appreciate the valid reports. Anyone that PM's us about a concern should know that that PM will stay only to the recipient. We don't even pass your names among ourselves, just use the topic as a general discussion to see to what level to take it.  We do our best to keep the board clean of trash. But you also have to remember that we have jobs, homes to maintain and personal relationships to maintain.


So what your saying is, I was put in "time out" for what reason exactly?  That's all I want to know because who are y'all to determine for me that I needed the "time out"?  A thought a forum was for posting ones opinions whether you or anybody else agrees or disagrees with them!  I'm not wanting to stir shit up, just wanting a valid explanation!

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I can only give you what is written as the reasoning in the ban log. And before I even went that far, I would check with the Boss first.

And this was how long ago? I think that you would do good to just forget about the past and look to the future.

History may not repeat itself, but is does rhyme.

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